They were a married couple—a really sweet duo in their late 70’s——and we got to talking about life after I commented on the price of olive oil. ($30 for my favorite brand.) From there we went off the cliff about who is really running things, how politicians have gotten so rich, election cheating, P. Diddy, Epstein, J6, the Clinton Foundation, child trafficking—they knew it all. I couldn’t believe how awake they are. I only had a few tidbits to add to their repertoire of knowledge. If you passed them on the street, you’d think “brainwashed” or still sleeping, but man, they were as awake as we are—and I mean way down the rabbit hole. I told them how impressed I was. People know, guys, a lot more than they let on. These people looked like a happy little elderly couple you’d see anywhere. They live in The Villages in Florida in the winter and I’m wondering if that’s where they’re getting all their info.
They said their son told them there are Americans with guns everywhere just waiting for the tide to change. It made them hopeful.
And I’ll tell you what—I left the grocery store today with a big grin on my face. Fight! Fight! Fight!
I love hearing stories like this. Not surprised they are knowledgeable, because many seniors have honed their bs detectors and have learned from life experiences.
Part of the NWO plan and why it was timed this way was to farm a few gens of militant useful idiots while the wiser older ones died off.
Not trying to hijack your thread, and I did not wanna start a new thread, but since we're dealing with hopium let me tell u my latest dose.
Just the other day some lady zooms up along side me honking and waving her arms doing what looks like sign language. I was thinking " ok I guess I triggered a karen somehow ". Maybe one of my rear window stickers. Well it was the stickers, but not what I thought.
She continued to stay with me arms flailing, so I finally decided to roll my window down at the light. She smiles enthusiastically and says " You're my kinda people. Where We Go One, We Go All " and gave me a thumbs up. Turned green and we had to go. But was still awesome.
It's been about 6 months since I've ran into an amped up fellow Patriot that approached me on road or in a parking lot where my Q stickers are on display.
I also see Q stickers on the road at least once a month where I try to get near them so I too can at least honk and thumbs up to show support.
Hopefully this short brings another smile to your face.
Thank you for adding to this post—and adding to the good news. There are days—-most days, really—-I walk around shaking my head in disgust at the idiocy around me. At this point, it’s impossible not to see what’s happening and yet most people seem to be asleep or willfully ignorant. But then you get a day like today and you feel better. You realize there are people who get it and are ready to stand up for our country.