Title says it all, a child of mine has terribly sensitive skin. We have tried various things, mainly no fragrances, but wondering if anyone had any good outcomes from strickly natural solutions. Thanks frens!
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I second the topical ivermectin comment. It's very safe. I am not sure about eczema, but it got rid of my horrible rosacea very quickly, with no side effects or skin irritation. Worth a shot to see if it works for eczema too. I use the horse paste and just smear a tiny bit on the affected areas before bed about 1x per week.
Did it come back? Didn't think about topical,thanks for highlighting that
Nope, I just use it once a week and it keeps all the rosacea away. I can go longer without it, but my rosacea was so bad I just smear it on once a week anyway.