My hatred for Haitians is abSOULute. In Haiti, I saw a whole country existing within the same perimeters of hell I endured under MK Ultra mind control.
Forced into black ops under MK Ultra mind control, I had cause to be in Haiti numerous times since it was a routine stop for NCL cruises in the 1980s. Neither Haitians, nor the rest of the world, knew true covert reasons why NCL docked in Port-au-Prince. Nor did Haitians anticipate that their conditioned livelihood from tourism would abruptly cease when New World Order perpeTraitors dropped Haiti as a Cruise ship destination in order to bury their crimes against humanity even deeper into the shadows and out of the public eye.
Haunted Eyes
Eyes of Haitians are haunted, with pupils reflecting black holes of hell. Smiles neither reach their dark eyes nor animate to the rest of their face. Swollen bellies protrude from their skin-and-bone frames while they work tirelessly. Still, I intuitively recognized hope somewhere deep inside their spirits – a shared hope for a world to wake up and save them from their decades-long nightmare of New World Order mind control trauma.
Instead, too many of u.s. slept through it all while a criminal faction of Catholic Jesuits and Deep State CIA used Haiti as a petri dish for ever-growing unhindered terror and horrific experimentation. I am aware through my personal experience documented in TRANCE Formation of America, that Clintons and their Deep State/New World Order cohorts had no limits to what they would do in the name of “charities” to run cocaine, heroin, arms, humans, and body parts through Haiti.
Sad but True
I first gained insight into Haiti as a young child singing a disturbing hymn in St Francis de Sales Catholic church that included “…there is hunger in Haiti, it’s sad but it’s true, that’s too bad- there’s nothing we can do”.
At such a young age, my MK Ultra mind control conditioning had not yet prohibited my ability to ask our presiding Jesuit priest why there was “nothing we can do”.
My answer from the priest? “Que sera sera. Hunger is the least of their worries,” Father Don replied while glaring at me for even asking. I never did think like my abusers, which is why torture was used to force me to carry out their bidding under MK Ultra mind control. Despite eventually losing all free thought and free will to systematic tortures and mind control programming for decades, they could not make me one of them.
Once I had the keys to deprogramming my own mind (PTSD Time to Heal) I did it in record time. My daughter’s life was on the line as documented in ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security and it was imperative to reach all those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know the abSOULute truth of my testimony in time to help her.
No child should ever endure what my daughter witnessed and experienced in Haiti from ages 2-7 at the hands of identified Deep State New World Order perpeTraitors who still remain free as of this writing.
Selling Out Haiti
Baby Doc Duvalier was a CIA asset who profited from selling Haiti out as a prototype to New World Order controls, from vaccines tainted with AIDS to unconscionable human trafficking ops of both living and harvested children.
My hatred for Haitians is abSOULute. In Haiti, I saw a whole country existing within the same perimeters of hell I endured under MK Ultra mind control.
Forced into black ops under MK Ultra mind control, I had cause to be in Haiti numerous times since it was a routine stop for NCL cruises in the 1980s. Neither Haitians, nor the rest of the world, knew true covert reasons why NCL docked in Port-au-Prince. Nor did Haitians anticipate that their conditioned livelihood from tourism would abruptly cease when New World Order perpeTraitors dropped Haiti as a Cruise ship destination in order to bury their crimes against humanity even deeper into the shadows and out of the public eye.
Haunted Eyes Eyes of Haitians are haunted, with pupils reflecting black holes of hell. Smiles neither reach their dark eyes nor animate to the rest of their face. Swollen bellies protrude from their skin-and-bone frames while they work tirelessly. Still, I intuitively recognized hope somewhere deep inside their spirits – a shared hope for a world to wake up and save them from their decades-long nightmare of New World Order mind control trauma.
Instead, too many of u.s. slept through it all while a criminal faction of Catholic Jesuits and Deep State CIA used Haiti as a petri dish for ever-growing unhindered terror and horrific experimentation. I am aware through my personal experience documented in TRANCE Formation of America, that Clintons and their Deep State/New World Order cohorts had no limits to what they would do in the name of “charities” to run cocaine, heroin, arms, humans, and body parts through Haiti.
Sad but True I first gained insight into Haiti as a young child singing a disturbing hymn in St Francis de Sales Catholic church that included “…there is hunger in Haiti, it’s sad but it’s true, that’s too bad- there’s nothing we can do”.
At such a young age, my MK Ultra mind control conditioning had not yet prohibited my ability to ask our presiding Jesuit priest why there was “nothing we can do”.
My answer from the priest? “Que sera sera. Hunger is the least of their worries,” Father Don replied while glaring at me for even asking. I never did think like my abusers, which is why torture was used to force me to carry out their bidding under MK Ultra mind control. Despite eventually losing all free thought and free will to systematic tortures and mind control programming for decades, they could not make me one of them.
Once I had the keys to deprogramming my own mind (PTSD Time to Heal) I did it in record time. My daughter’s life was on the line as documented in ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security and it was imperative to reach all those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know the abSOULute truth of my testimony in time to help her.
No child should ever endure what my daughter witnessed and experienced in Haiti from ages 2-7 at the hands of identified Deep State New World Order perpeTraitors who still remain free as of this writing.
Selling Out Haiti Baby Doc Duvalier was a CIA asset who profited from selling Haiti out as a prototype to New World Order controls, from vaccines tainted with AIDS to unconscionable human trafficking ops of both living and harvested children.