This ought to raise the ire of the very vocal ReEeEeE-ing 10-15% minority that actually supports this degeneracy. It's probably less than that. I only wish that the rest of the public would wake up and realize this.
The rainbow mafia took a hit when Diddy was arrested and found out what he did to Justin B. Vile predators of children. I hope it escalates into a full-on backlash against this degeneracy.
This ought to raise the ire of the very vocal ReEeEeE-ing 10-15% minority that actually supports this degeneracy. It's probably less than that. I only wish that the rest of the public would wake up and realize this.
The rainbow mafia took a hit when Diddy was arrested and found out what he did to Justin B. Vile predators of children. I hope it escalates into a full-on backlash against this degeneracy.