The question is: As the use of AI continues to mushroom and take the place of human beings, what roles/jobs will be available for humans such that they can earn a living?
Let's forget those people who don't want to work. Let's just focus on people who want to work (regardless of their level of skill and capability).
The more insidious problem is that the pace at which we will be dumbed down has gone parabolic. You thought our kids are getting dumber? Whoa... hold on for the next 10 years and see how many humans can generate original thought. Here's an example of what I'm talking about... I spoke to a consultant today who has a specific expertise and is good at what she does. She explained how she uses Chat GPT to generate reports based on recorded webinars. Then she turns in the reports and gets paid. Some might say that that's smart. Personally, as long as she explains that to the client and the client agrees to pay for it, then that's between them (but I don't think she explained it to them). But the thing is, she is no longer originating her thoughts, and so at best she will plateau. So what, you ask? She falls to the side, you say? What happens when millions and millions and millions of people fall into this pattern?
The sad thing is, they already have.
And boy were we primed for it. The amount of entertainment that has flooded our brains is incomprehensible. Radio. Then TV. Then cable. Then the internet. Combine the access with the amount of programming, and you have the sheep, or rather, very, very passive human beings. This is not a new topic on this board. But we are not talking enough about the next level of human take-down--the impact of AI.
And I am not talking about the minuscule percent of people who use AI to create and problem solve, etc. I'm talking about the masses.
Why am I posting this here? Because our thoughts about the future (which are built upon the Q Plan) must account for this, and although I see the topic here and there, I just haven't seen a lot of deeper discussion about the future and the role of AI. So, yeah, this weighs on my mind when I think about my children, grandchildren, etc.
I don't have any answers. I am not against AI. But right now I don't see how our culture and economy get stronger, but instead only see the creation of wider gaps. It's almost as if AI is part of the global reset because there will only be 500 million people--an AI-based utopia in the minds of the elite.
I appreciate all comments and discussion.
The answer to the question is still 42. 😂