Hey everyone. Last month my Mom, an awesome patriot and lurker on these boards, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. We'd appreciate the prayers for her healthy and safe recovery. We've been reading this board for years, so we have a lot of information and links about cancer protocols, but we'd also appreciate any information or tips you wonderful frogs could share about battling pancreatic cancer. Specifically, we've been trying to find information on whether fenben/ivermectin can be combined with chemo or if it must be done alone, but we've been coming up short on that.
Thanks in advance. You guys have been an amazing community and Mom and I have had so many great chats about the topics and posts we read here.
Lots of good info from the FLCCC group here:
FLCCC guys think the cancer is a primarily a metabolic disease and not driven by DNA/genetic defects.
There’s also the Joe Tippens story here:
I personally know of three who tried the Fenbendazole + Ivermectin approach and they were in remission within 4-6 weeks. All three were on chemo at the same time and I’m persuaded that combining the two approaches will achieve the best results.
The current assumption is that chemo destroys the majority of the cancer and the Fenbendazole + Ivermectin clears out the remaining chemo-resistant cancer cells (cancer stem cells).
I’d also highly recommend a dietary and lifestyle change approach at the same time - eliminate sugar as much as possible, go Keto when you can, do intermittent fasting (autophagy = apoptosis), exercise (if possible), etc.,.
God bless, Godspeed, and I hope this helps.