Dan Scavino posted this on FB two days ago. Where have we heard this from before? I keep seeing signs that the precipice is upon us. Put on the whole armor of God.

Respectfully, we were created to believe, there is no such thing as not believing, unbelief is not none belief. You believe you don't believe, that's still believing, you believe you don't believe and it's your choice, it's the freedom God gave to all,to believe in him or to not believe in him, but believing you are.
Belief might be the human condition but maybe that is because we are conditioned to do so by people who want to control us. To me experience seems superior to belief in the quest to know reality.
"Condition to do so by people who want to control us"(you say) Who conditioned the people that you say are trying to conditioning you? Now follow that far enough back, and you can throw out your theory, and see that the first man was programmed (by his creator) TO BELIEVE, but the purpose is not to control, since man can choose what to believe or what not to believe. You say, "To me experience seems Superior to belief in the quest to know reality" It is true experience is a teacher, but it is a poor teacher, by the time you're experience tells you not to do something it's too late you already did it. Whereas the word of God will teach you, what not to do, without ever experiencing the ill effect of of doing it. PSALMS 119: 97-104 "Oh how I love all you've revealed I reverently ponder it all day long YOUR COMMANDMENTS GIVE ME AN EDGE ON MY ENEMIES, they never become obsolete, I HAVE BECOME WISER THAN MY TEACHERS since I pondered and absorbed your counsel I I HAVE BECOME WISER THAN THE WISE OLD SAGE (EXPERIENCE) simply by doing what you tell me. I watch my step avoiding the ditches, and ruts of evil so I can spend all my time keeping your word. "With your instruction I understand life that's why I hate false propaganda"
"It is true experience is a teacher, but it is a poor teacher, by the time you're experience tells you not to do something it's too late you already did it."
That is not really what I mean. Experience as in 'observation of existence,' not as in "life lessons." Why are all the religious guys who engage me here consistently...obtuse?
"Why are all the religious guys who engage me consistently obtuse (you ask) could the answer be,you're on such a higher plane intellectually,everyone else seems obtuse? Be interesting to hear your thoughts on the teachings of Christ. Jesus Christ was called by the intellectuals of his day a babbler, who can understand him? I'm in good company, not so sure if you are.Talking with you,about what you consider religion,doesn't make me religious, I mean I could say (for instance) you are a religious person, and your religion is experienced, would I be right? Can you see it. Or is that too obtuse.
"Who conditioned the people that you say are trying to conditioning you? Now follow that far enough back, and you can throw out your theory, and see that the first man was programmed (by his creator) TO BELIEVE, but the purpose is not to control, since man can choose what to believe or what not to believe."
Very circular! "Might there not be a creator?" "There is a creator because as you can see, man was programmed by his creator."
"There is a Creator because you can see man with programmed by his creator" Now the situation is reversed and you have misunderstood. If we were programmed we would do what he program us to do. That is not what I would use for proof that there is a creator. I would use you as proof of a creator "since you did not create yourself, someone or something did" Therefore a creator.
Finally, a voice of reason!! Thank you!