posted ago by JohnTitor17 ago by JohnTitor17 +261 / -2


(Scroll below to see the exact method I had him use.)

In 2011, my 47yo FIL was diagnosed with heart disease (atherosclerosis) after a heart attack and had one stent put in. He smoked a pack a day and drank a 12 pack of Pepsi a day.

He played golf 4+ times per week w/ his friends. In summer 2015 he began getting out of breath playing golf. It got to a point where he was too tired/winded to do more than 9 holes. After another month he was too tired and winded to golf at all. Doctor did a heart scan 'with contrast' and found 3 blockages between 70% and 90%. His left ventricle ejection fraction was barely 40%. Doctor scheduled heart stent surgery (technically regarded as non-surgical).

When I heard about his situation I immediately asked him to postpone the procedure for 4 weeks. He couldn't even work in his condition and he was very afraid to have such bad heart problems at only 51 so this was a big ask but he knows that I am a strange breed when it comes to separating signal from noise (thanks Steve Bannon) on obscure research like this so he trusted me.

I wrote out a schedule for him and he took it religiously. Four weeks later, * in the middle of the stent procedure,* the doctor said his arteries were "clean as a whistle." Then the doc sort of got worried because he thought it was SO IMPOSSIBLE. He checked to see if his office might have made a mistake and mixed up heart scans with another patient. Upon further checking, there was no mistake. The blockages that were there for weeks earlier were completely gone.

Just 4 weeks prior my father in law was 51, average build, active and couldn't even walk across the room without getting out of breath. After the 4 weeks taking the supplement * the correct way,* he felt better than he had in years. Zero chest pain anymore and lots more energy.

Now here's the Encore, 3 years after the above:

After his first scheduled heart stent procedure was concluded with NO stents put in, he immediately stopped the treatment and didn't do it again.

Flash forward to 2018 after continuing (he never even quit during the therapy) to smoke now TWO packs a day and still drinking a 12 pack of Pepsi a day; the same thing happened only worse. He noticed it again when he was too tired to go more than 9 holes. Days later he had another heart attack, he passed out on the green and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. A scan with contrast showed very clearly 3 blockages, 2 @ 80% and the 3rd was near-100% blockage. His left ventricle ejection fraction was <20%. This is approaching heart failure. At 54 years old.

His cardiologist scheduled emergency stent procedure and a mechanical 'rotor-rooter' type procedure for the following Monday. FIL tried to buy time w/ the Doc (different doctor than the first time) so he could do the treatment again. Doc said any more than 2 weeks could be life-threatening. He told the doctor what he intended to do and the doctor thought he was nuts.

FIL got right back on the dosage/schedule again. Two weeks later on 'procedure day' the same thing happened. Catheter scope/camera up the groin artery all the way to his heart. Camera sees NO blockages in the first 2 spots and only 20% in the one that was a near-total blockage only 15 days prior.

Doc abruptly ended the procedure with nothing needing to be done. ZERO STENTS AGAIN. The cardiac catheter camera was pulled from his groin and the doctor left the room.

As the nurses were wrapping everything up, the Doc and an unknown colleague (Doctor?) came back in with notepads and started asking questions. His doctor was absolutely astounded. Just couldn't fucking believe it. Said he had never seen anything like it in his career. FIL continued the Linus Pauling therapy for probably another 2 months. His ejection fraction was later tested. It rose from ~20% to almost 70% (considered normal for his age).

TO BE CLEAR, TWO SEPARATE TIMES the blockages were clearly visible on scans and he was out of breath walking more than 30 feet. Two separate times he was on the table so to speak, with a cardiac catheter up his groin all the way to his heart and (after this therapy) both times the blockages that had been there only weeks before we're GONE and the catheter was withdrawn without mounting a single stent. He does 2 weeks of this regimen a few times a year and the problems have never returned in the 9+ years since.

HOW my FIL cleaned out his arteries FAST.

4000mg L-lysine/ day total, taken in (2 separate) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ a bit of juice/toast/carbs.
NO protein for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Lysine doses.

L-lysine absorption is impaired by protein. (Via amino competition)

4000mg Vitamin C/ day total, taken in (2 separate) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ protein meal.
NO Carbs for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Vitamin C doses.

Vitamin C absorption is impaired by carbs. (Via glucose competition)


People that take these daily still get heart attacks/strokes. WHY?


The goal is to achieve a very high blood concentration of each 2x daily. Absorption competition categorically prevents this.

Vitamin C and Lysine can be taken TOGETHER ONLY on a empty stomach (NO food or calories minimum 2 hrs before and 1 hr after)

This is the easiest way to do it but lots of people get an upset stomach from vitamin C on an empty stomach. My father-in-law is one of those people so he needed to take vitamin C with some food.
If you have to do that, then you must take the supplements separate because the food that goes well with vitamin C blocks lysine uptake and vice versa.

SCHEDULE: Do not skip!

Before you take a single pill:
For yourself and for God,

This is flexible. Make it work for you.
But never ever break the "2hrs before/1 hour after" rule.
For reference my FIL's dose and meal schedule was:

7am: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.

9am: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.

Noon to 5pm eat whatever.

8pm: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.

10pm: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.

If you have a different sleep schedule, it's totally acceptable to move these times around.

If you are able to take them both at the same time without an upset stomach, that's the easiest way and the schedule would/could look something like this:

-Wake up (empty stomach) and take 2000mg of each.
-Wait 1-2 hrs.
-Eat whatever you want throughout the day.
-Have dinner, and then wait 1–2 hours or more.
-Before bed (empty stomach) take 2000mg of each.

The "2hrs before/1 hour after" rule are minimum values. "3hrs before & 2 hour after" doses could be even better if you're someone with slow digestion.

The entire secret here is that you do not allow:
Vitamin C to compete with carbohydrates.
Lysine to compete with protein.


The real key here is the method of avoiding the competition. Without observing this rule, you are just wasting your time if you're trying to clear out your arteries to save your life. Life is a beautiful thing. Discipline is worth it.

The HOW & WHY this works:

All the credit for this goes to Linus Pauling, -the only person to ever win TWO unshared Nobel Prizes -invented this therapy when he discovered that the calcifications inside arteries featured a molecular "lysine binding site". This means Lysine gently but rapidly melts away blockages (atherosclerosis) like a sugar cube in hot coffee. No big pieces dislodge which could cause a stroke. By the way this therapy works for blockages anywhere in the body.

Here's the interesting thing to know and understand:
Heart pumping produces higher mechanical load on all the stereotypical points where blockages are found. This causes micro-tears in the single-cell-thick interior of the artery called the endothelial layer. (What spike protein attacks). These micro-tears occur naturally and frequently and are healed via a process in which vitamin C is CHEMICALLY REQUIRED.

Without sufficient vitamin C 'on tap,' cholesterol sticks to the 'scabby' (if you will) micro-tears that form from high mechanical load on the artery and that don't heal properly w/o Vitamin C. This then builds on its self over time.

The vitamin C helps heal the endothelial layer inside the arteries. Here's a mystery the medical establishment has never explained to you: Why do "clogs" start in larger arteries subjected to the highest mechanical load (pumping) rather than the itty-bitty single-blood-cell-wide capillaries? Any plumbers here?

With no disrespect meant to any other method, because there certainly are many, I bring you this here with such conviction for two reasons:

  1. Linus Pauling was a genius biochemist, chemical engineer, etc, whose hard work and treatment I presented to you all here tonight, was purposefully obscured and -after his passing in 1994 at 93yo -suspiciously added to. (you'll see if you dig)

  2. This is the method I know first hand works from my own personal experience with a family member and their baffled doctors. Twice. 3 years apart.

I'm not a doctor


Can you take BOTH Vit C & Lysine together?
YES - but ONLY on an empty stomach (Only water 2hrs before/1hr after)

Does Vit C & Lysine compete with EACHOTHER?

How long should you do this for?
4-6 weeks. Bare minimum 2 weeks.

What if a start feeling sick/exhausted?
You could be having a Herxheimer reaction from whatever infection vitamin C is killing inside your body. In this case, lower the vitamin C doses to 500mg and slowly work your way back up.

Will this lower my blood pressure?
It lowered my FIL's to normal levels.

Does this interfere with medication(s)?
Possibly some. Google it.

Google says vitamin C interferes with my medication. Can I still do this?
Maybe. Ask your doctor if there's a loophole.

Do I need to add any other shit for this to work?
NO. I know this exact method works FAST from firsthand experience. Most people, including my father-in-law saw a noticeable improvement in 7–10 days.

Will this work for jab-related blockages?
I don't know... what do you have to lose?

Will this lower my cholesterol?
Probably. It lowered my father-in-law's.

Can I take this on carnivore diet?
Yes but it's not necessary. See below.

What if I'm fasting?
That makes it easy. You can take them together

Can I take more/less?
These are the doses I know work. You can safely double the dose.

Any side effects?
Upset stomach from Vit C. Maybe diarrhea the first few days. A hard boiled egg or couple slices of deli meat is recommended with Vit C.

Is the schedule flexible?
Yes but the "2hrs before/1 hour after" rule is NOT

What type of vitamin C/lysine should I buy?

Lysine and L-lysine are the same thing. It is a constituent of protein, naturally occurring and cheap.

Vitamin C – Liposomal or the kind made out of fruit extracts, etc. is probably best. Capsules are preferable over hard-pressed pills for absorption.
NO time release/buffered Vitamin C.

I use SOLGAR L-Lysine 500mg capsules
and SOLGAR Vitamin C 500mg capsules.

The brand is not important and I'm not here to sell supplements.

I'm going to make several comments below on GAW users experience that they have commented or relayed to me.