Interesting stuff. Id say the push for data centers is on the surface just to inflate the tech stock bubble. Nvidia sells tons of GPU for these AI data centers and the markets love it and stonks go up. But everyone with a brain realizes there's really no profits in AI and these data centers are doomed as a business venture.
But some 4D chess type people probably are already thinking about how they can repurpose this infrastructure! Definitely something we should keep an eye on
I had a Computer Science Professor talk about this phenominom of AI taking over things and his statement was along the lines of:
"The Human Mind CANNOT be replaced with the intricacies of a program...the program is just a set of ordered instructions and connected to other coded structures running extremely fast to solve a problem."
Sam Blinkmam is like the Elixor Salemen of the Old West: "Take this here elixor and you're aches and pains will go away."
He is ONLY trying to make a buck on the backs of the human component...
Interesting and scary. A prediction I came across years ago said that you will know Ai is here by it's demand for storage and bandwidth.
Interesting stuff. Id say the push for data centers is on the surface just to inflate the tech stock bubble. Nvidia sells tons of GPU for these AI data centers and the markets love it and stonks go up. But everyone with a brain realizes there's really no profits in AI and these data centers are doomed as a business venture.
But some 4D chess type people probably are already thinking about how they can repurpose this infrastructure! Definitely something we should keep an eye on
I had a Computer Science Professor talk about this phenominom of AI taking over things and his statement was along the lines of: "The Human Mind CANNOT be replaced with the intricacies of a program...the program is just a set of ordered instructions and connected to other coded structures running extremely fast to solve a problem."
Sam Blinkmam is like the Elixor Salemen of the Old West: "Take this here elixor and you're aches and pains will go away."
He is ONLY trying to make a buck on the backs of the human component...