Good News! Today on the phone, my older brother apologized for giving me a rack of shit about covid,..
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
He asked if I would please send him information on how to counteract the jab. I had only asked him which company's product he got all those years ago, and his reaction to that simple question back then was just awful. We didn't speak for a long time. He was good to me when we were kids, I now have some happy research to do.
Any information that you've found to be solid on that front will be most sincerely appreciated.
I think he was mad at you back then because deep inside, his intuition was screaming at him not to get the shot. I’m so glad he has come around. What made him change recently? Just curious. Something he read? Saw online?
He should look at How Bad Is My Batch website and figure out what product/batch he had first. Good to know what he’s dealing with and how it’s been behaving in the marketplace.
Mccolough (doctor) has a lot of info and so does Front Line American doctors. NAC seems to be the magic elixir but you have to take other things with it.
I'm sure you're right. In our very fruitful conversation, I did express my sincere appreciation for finally having it. I also asked how he started questioning, and to my surprise, he's become a fan of SG Anon...and it wasn't me who turned him onto SG as a source.
He appreciates the 'no fluff or chitty chat' nature of the direct intel and research that SG brings.
Thanks much for the batch checking site. Much appreciated.