Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

My face is wet...I'm so sorry. I'm especially sorry that all this sacrifice was never for what we thought.

Things will be set right, and there won't be anyone lost in the cracks any more.

I feel drained from sobbing through this, but I'll share it...

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fines mean nothing to these people as anything more than a way to placate those among the public who were paying attention, and took exception to whatever the fineable infraction was.

Does anyone track where "fine" money goes?

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

So what's his plan then? He's dissing both candidates.

Gosh, might he be trying to set the stage for someone else to step up and volunteer to be the candidate?

Bloggerchick 3 points ago +3 / -0

I forget where I read, many years ago...that if and when Kamala did manage to pull off the steal somehow (REALLY hard for me to imagine atm), that's exactly when the military would have every right and duty to step in.

I personally feel they've had that already, in spades...but those decisions are out of my hands. We're left with trusting The Plan, keeping the Faith.

I'm actually feeling comfy. It seems the best I can really do to help the White hats complete the mission is to see that exact thing in my vision...

And then we all get to live in peace and prosperity the world over, everyone has a beautiful homeland, God and family rule...Love wins.

The Beginning...

Bloggerchick 7 points ago +7 / -0

There's nothing in our non-corporate Constitution that protects the laws of foreign countries. Why do they take it personally? Islamic countries aren't likely to honor the laws of the US there, so what's the issue?

People just want to pick fights is all, and those people are (imo) soulless, NPC minions doing what they've been programmed to do.

They think they can bully us into accepting their non-assimilating ways.

Not happening.

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nobody in here is going to soil their soul with flat out murder.

Make no mistake, though...militias will be 100% within their Constitutional rights to dispatch foreign invaders.

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait a second...how is it different?

We've been shouting from the rooftops about 2020 for 4 years now. Suddenly, because these fine people feel that our elections might actually be compromised, the issue will be addressed?

Okay. Carry on. let's fix it then. I don't really give a rat's ass what the motivation is.

Bloggerchick 1 point ago +1 / -0

If she really is playing that role, which is clearly a challenging one, that would make her a true Patriot. Imagine giving up your reputation and becoming voluntarily known as a sneak and back stabbing liar to both sides. That's what I call service.

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't forget the ten new cities we'll build on federal land, and the hover cars...

And I reckon Uncle John's furtherance of Tesla's work will figure in here as well.

Bloggerchick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah. That's a statistic that people ought to know, because it makes our natural feeling of repulsion over fighting wars because someone said so even more acute.

Bloggerchick 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've been wondering if it isn't only the threat of some terrible event that keeps us from the polls why the early vote is being encouraged. My hopeful mind goes to the notion that it's been set up somehow in the new system, unimpeachable and clean.

In any case, my daughter and I are going as soon as it opens.

Bloggerchick 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am floored by how often our power goes out. When I was a kid, a power out was a rare thing and actually kinda fun, and I never remember food going bad because of it taking longer than 4 hours to come back on. I like to think that technology would improve over the years...

Apparently, it hasn't.

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

What a stupid waste of any and everything that's gone into this desperate and pathetic (robotic, even) attempt to hurt Trump.

Bloggerchick 6 points ago +6 / -0

A tool of evil is evil for sure. But a tool she is. If she does have an agenda all her own, I would truly be surprised. Imo, there isn't intelligence enough for her to be a danger to anyone without being propped up by other minions of the deep state.

Sadly for them, they groomed an idiot.

We agree that she is well trained and well controlled. I just don't feel that she's in a category with HRC. Both of them took their orders from higher up the nasty chain than themselves, but they don't stand on the same footing.

Bloggerchick 13 points ago +13 / -0

Oh I don't think so. Hillary is flat out evil. I think Kamala is basically a hapless, easily manipulated tool. There's no actual original thought in there.

Bloggerchick 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder when it'll become common knowledge that Israelites are simply believers in and lovers of God, followers of God...that the zionists twisted that into something that worked for them.

What will it take to straighten all this out? How do we resolve ancient feuds that were created out of falshood?

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