Charles would have been proud.
Unwise as he might be in his tender years, he's still a valuable asset. One must learn to temper one's expression of personal thoughts. He's certainly entitled to have his feelings and opinions about certain people...yet as a key player now in the public eye, he'll be learning to keep those conversations private.
That is actually pretty funny. "golden pager" and get a ton of similar articles. My first thought is to get it as far away from humans as possible....especially away from the gifted one.
That may be why I don't even try. Too much to learn to create things that I'd feel satisfied with. So I serve as a conduit to bring the good work of others out into the wide world.
Dang, Sue! Nice catch on the numbers mentioned. Ever since I first saw this movie the first time, it's been in my mind how amazingly great it would be to have someone in the White House who'd take such bold and decisive moves.
I can hardly believe that this particular dream is actually coming true.
I'm merely the messenger...
My technical savvy does not even allow for creating imperfect memery.
Oh that's rich, when Soros has had his filthy fingers in everybody's government pie the world over for decades. Basically, they think billionaire influence is fine as long as shit is being destroyed and people killed as a result.
As long as we're clear on that. Precedent has been set, and these ignorant assholes who know nothing of how the world works will just have a rude and rapid awakening is all.
Reader context says it isn't so.
...which millions can easily be clawed back from her(?) corrupt self.
I would like that.
I agree...yet Mad Maxine did the same thing. Let's set precedent with this guy, and then get seriously retroactive on her nasty ass.
Candace Owens took Selena's little drama fest down in a big way as well. Who feels an emotional upswell and reaches for their phone to catch it all for sharing on social media? She might actually be that stupid. Either that, or she's simply following directions given by her handlers, along with some kind of threat.
Maybe it's part of her humiliation requirement or something.
Sounds like she's made up.
Trying to cover for the 'copter being operated remotely, perhaps...
He's sitting up and begging to be arrested and put away somewhere.
...but he IS now out of a job, in any case.
CoG re which government, exactly? The shadow one, perhaps. A stolen Blackhawk remote controlled to do precisely what it did?
I did that for some years, and a bunch of other restaurant jobs as, cocktails, tending bar. I made good money, but they changed the tip situation now to be far more favorable to allow government theft. Trump taking tips off the tally sheet is actually a massive game changer, since people will likely still tip the same.
Anyway, all of that experience has created a great deal of appreciation and compassion for wait staff, especially ones who've been trained well, and can manage to be in a good mood. I mean, if you're going to be a thing, be the best at it, right? So I'm a good tipper if it's well deserved. If not, I'm at least kind.
I use anodized aluminum for baking. They say that makes it become inert.
Word has it that they have to either sacrifice their child / children, or have them switched in order to be in the club. It's hard to see that Cynthia received any kind of benefit for complying, though. I can imagine how absolutely shitty it would feel to be on the wrong side of the psy-op, especially now that we're getting things set right again.