I don't know if this is relevant, but the USMCA Treaty is the United States-Mexico-Canada treaty, it was signed on July 1, 2020 and basically replaced Nafta if I understand all this correctly. It has nothing to do with the Marine Corp or the Army (at least it doesn't appear to). Full disclosure though, he lost me a few minutes in when I looked it up and it didn't seem to be about our military, so maybe he addresses that later in the clip and I just didn't stick around to find out.
I don't know if this is relevant, but the USMCA Treaty is the United States-Mexico-Canada treaty, it was signed on July 1, 2020 and basically replaced Nafta if I understand all this correctly. It has nothing to do with the Marine Corp or the Army (at least it doesn't appear to). Full disclosure though, he lost me a few minutes in when I looked it up and it didn't seem to be about our military, so maybe he addresses that later in the clip and I just didn't stick around to find out.