Who will be doing the smoking? Everyone still carries around their global tracking devices which record audio, video, location, what they buy, what they sell, biometric data, any health conditions, etc. If any western government wanted to implement a China style social credit system, what's going to stop them? Angry calls and emails? I bet they laugh at those and make fun of us.
Obviously I’m not advocating for violence, but I see your point. Regardless if there are people needing to be rescued, then rescue them! No legal threat, roadblock or threat of physical violence should deter ANYONE from helping Family/Friends or even neighbors out of life and death situations. The halting from our government on these types of civilian rescue operations should be observed as an act of violence itself.
Who will be doing the smoking? Everyone still carries around their global tracking devices which record audio, video, location, what they buy, what they sell, biometric data, any health conditions, etc. If any western government wanted to implement a China style social credit system, what's going to stop them? Angry calls and emails? I bet they laugh at those and make fun of us.
Obviously I’m not advocating for violence, but I see your point. Regardless if there are people needing to be rescued, then rescue them! No legal threat, roadblock or threat of physical violence should deter ANYONE from helping Family/Friends or even neighbors out of life and death situations. The halting from our government on these types of civilian rescue operations should be observed as an act of violence itself.