posted ago by Qanaut ago by Qanaut +208 / -2

This post is a continuation from Part I . . .


Let us return to an earlier question from this post that some may have forgotten. Why was this particular Hurricane named Helene of all names? Do you know the history of Helen of Troy; her abduction, the ten long years of war, and the Trojan Horse?

Helen was considered to be the most beautiful of women in the world of Greek mythology. Helen was married to Menelaus, the king of Sparta, which made her the Queen of Sparta. The Trojan War began when Paris, a prince of Troy, abducted Helen from Greece and trafficked her back to Troy. This act sparked the famous war described in Homer's "Iliad." Her abduction led to a coalition of Greek heroes, led by her husband Menelous and his brother Agamemnon, to wage war against Troy to retrieve her. The war lasted for ten years.

In the climax of the Trojan War we have the famous Trojan Horse, a hollowed out idol in the shape of a horse. The Greeks, led by Odysseus, king of Ithaca, devised a cunning plan. They constructed this large wooden horse, known as the Trojan Horse, as an apparent offering to Poseidon (ruler of the seas) [watch the water!?]. This offering was left on the shores of Troy as a gift to the King. Inside this hollow horse, Greek warriors, including Odysseus, were hidden and trafficked through the great and mighty walls of Troy which had been until then impregnable. In the middle of the night these warriors sprung from within this great wooden horse and opened the gates of Troy leading to the downfall of this once mighty kingdom. Does the Trojan Horse not serve a similar purpose to that of the Taiwanese Evergreen shipping containers?

The symbolism here is extraordinarily important. Here we have a Hurricane named after Helen who was famously trafficked by the Trojans sparking a 10 year long war.









I know many on this board turn a blind eye to numerology and numerical analysis, but it is important nonetheless to delve into this subject matter in the context of this post. The Cabalists and their Deep State puppets undoubtedly use numerology in their communications, and as such it is vital that we too understand it, as I believe Q has imbedded the same methods of communication into their postings throughout the years. Afterall, Q does equal 17, and we know how much President Trump loves that number! I ask you . . . how many times has President Trump been to Washington D.C. again Anons?

Let us then analyze the numerology of the classical Greek figure Helen.

As many on this board are aware, Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. Numerical analysis of names and words is the association of numbers with specific letters of the alphabet. Assuming that A = 1, B =2, C =3, ... Q = 17 etc . . .

We have the following:

H = 8

E = 5

L = 12

E = 5

N = 14

When we add each of these numbers together, we arrive at the following number:

HELEN = 44

44 is exactly half of 88, and is also the precise delta of Q Post 44

The important message . . .


Just as 44 multiplied by 2 arrives at Q post 88, so to does the inverse of 44 divided by 2 arrive upon Q post 22, and President Trump's text code of 88022.

When did President Trump last post on 𝕏 to text Trump to 88022?

October the 1st at 11:13 PM.

Link to President Trump's 𝕏 Post

11:13 was the time of the post which gives us Law of War Manual 11.13:


Article 50 of the GC provides for certain duties of an Occupying Power with respect to children in occupied territory. “Children” for the purposes of Article 50 of the GC and its obligations with respect to the protection of children in occupied territory may be understood generally to refer to children under fifteen years of age. Other duties that are not specific to occupied territory exist with regard to children.

The 88022 𝕏 Post was also exactly 36 seconds long.

Q Post 36

Military Intelligence.

No Media

No Leaks

etc . . .

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Now for the second part of President Trump's 88022 code broadcast on 𝕏 . . .

Q Post 22:

Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

Some Anons may be asking at this point . . . Qanaut, they spelled Helen with an E at the end! What about the E?

E = 5

The absence of a letter can be symbolic in and of itself.


A mirrored 5 becomes a 5x5 or a 55. In military code, a 55 is a message for "loud and clear." It is also the delta of Q post 55.



The TEN DAYS approach Anons! President Trump's important message is soon to be broadcast around the world on the 𝕏 platform.

"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us . . ."

Deeper analysis can be done into this missing E in the name Helen.

Q Post 5 (E) tells us quite bluntly:

Follow the money, it's the key.

Money? Like disaster relief money from Haiti, Hawaii, and the USA in the aftermath of Helene? Money like that which has been laundered through Ukraine to the tune of many hundreds of billions these past four years? Money like that which facilities child trafficking at the borders and ports of The United States of America? The Law of War clearly dictates clear guiding principles that the children of an occupied nation must be protected.

What happens when these laws are disregarded and the Cabal comes after our children?


Q's Post 5 continues . . .

Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?

The Cabalists will undoubtedly seek a means of escape from their fate when their crimes against humanity are brought into the light and the hammer of justice begins to swing down upon them. If Q is intonating that air travel has been monitored and effectively denied to these demons, where then would they turn to in their escape?

WATCH THE WATER Anons! Watch the Taiwanese Evergreen Shipping Containers! There is more than one type of human trafficking afoot on the high seas. Elites can be smuggled just as easily as children can be!

Q's last line of post 5 . . .

Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.

The great reveal of the Epstein and Diddy client list will send all the swamp rats scurrying for their rafts to escape on the high seas to parts unknown. They may attempt to run, but they cannot hide. The cleanup that begins in The United States shall sweep across the entire globe. There is no where left for these rats to run, and nowhere left for them to hide.

Lastly, let us also take into account the numerical addition of Helene with the E retained in the name. We arrive upon Q post 49. I told you to remember that number earlier from Q post 1249. Now I ask you to remember the first half of 1249 (12), for we shall look at that in a moment.

Q Post 49:

U1 FBI informant

Yet again we find ourself face to face with connections to Uranium One and the plot to covertly traffic uranium for the purpose of creating untraceable nuclear weapons.

It's a name recognized around the world.

This line has two meanings. The name could either be that of Uranium One, or that of the final line of Q's post 49.

Alice & Wonderland

Who is Alice?

Where is Wonderland?

Who was the author of Alice and Wonderland?

Why did Lewis Carroll take an interest in young children?

As Q asks in the follow up Q post 50, How did Iran obtain Uranium, and Why did Obama send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran?

Why is war with Iran igniting along side Hurricane Helene, the Dock Workers Union Strike, and Red October?

Elevate your mind to the 40,000 ft view and it all begins to make sense!

This was all planned for long ago . . .

Finally, we have Q post 12, the first half of 1249 from earlier . . .

Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive. Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.

Lastly, I would like to draw attention back to President Trumps text code 88022. We have explored both Q posts 88 as well as 22. There is a hidden post within this code. Post 802. This is perhaps one of Q's most important posts with regards to all that we have discussed in this two part post.


Patriot 1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.


1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.

2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

What is the ultimate treason if not the abduction and trafficking of the children of one's own nation?


How do you disarm an opponent who has already fired their weapons upon you? How do you avert a global thermonuclear war? How do you save the children of humanity? Do you flee for your life and hope to outrun your fate?


You do not run from your enemies. You do not show them your backside. You turn into the torpedo like Captain Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius did in The Hunt for Red October. You intercept the torpedo before it has had a chance to arm itself and in so doing it shall shatter across your bow.

There was another film on the high seas in which this principle equally applied in battle. In the third film of the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy we had the epic showdown between the Pirate Fleet and the Armada of the British owned East India Trading Company. During this naval battle, Will Turner suggested to the crew that they turn outside of the Maelstrom to avoid being overcome by the might of The Storm. It was Captain Barbosa who gave the command to sail further into The Storm, cut across it on faster waters, and intercept their enemy all the sooner!

Like Captains Ramius and Barbosa, we too find ourselves in a battle for life and death. Q has utilized most excellent combat tactics and fifth dimensional chess to navigate the waters of The Storm to bring us into an intercept path with the Cabalists and their Deep State puppets.


Humanity is close to its precipice moment and the near death experience that will shake them out of their apathy and into action against the Cabal. It had to be this way Anons! There was no other way to simultaneously take down the Cabalists while safeguarding humanity for future generations.

Victory in this war could not come at the cost of billions of lives. Q and the Military have chosen the only path through this Storm that both preserves human life while exposing the Cabalists' crimes against humanity.

The United States is our vessel.

Earth is our vessel.

Just as there is nowhere left for the Cabalists to run, so too is there nowhere left for us to run from the Cabalists. We cannot do as our ancestors did and make for the New World to our run the Old.

It is US or THEM! There can be no coexisting with this evil any longer. Either all of humanity unite under the common cause of eradicating the Global Cabal, or we allow this parasite to fully engulf the world and sink back into the dark ages for another millennium of famine, war, and tyranny.

I leave you with two quotes today Anons . . .

It is in the darkest of nights that the brightest of dawns arrives.

“Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn. Forth, Eorlingas!”

— King Théoden —

“Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot”
