Thanks to everyone on here who recommended ivermectin and fenbenozol for my mom. She's stage 4, hospice is here. Mom wasn't willing to try "alternative" treatments until the cancer hospital stopped treatment and recommended hospice.
Days 1-4 were just ivermectin (while i waited for fenbenozol to be delivered). Today is day 5 on ivermectin and day 1 on fenbenozol. She seems a little better today. She's been awake more today than all week. She was even signing along to some Motown for a little while.
I hope it's not too late. I say a prayer with every dose i give her. 🙏
As @Revodude said, sunlight is the best vitamin D. Dr. Berg on YouTube said that 20 minutes of sunlight provides the equivalent of 20,000 iu. Another thing I heard is that cancer thrives in acidic environments and on sugar, so if possible put her in a keto diet and also give her baking soda + lemon juice in water to drink. I'm sorry I don't have any resources to cite but I'm sure an internet search will turn something up.