When you have your gallbladder out, then your liver has to work harder. Try to eat better. The Japanese like a product called Tudca that helps with the bile in your liver. Interesting enough, when Mayo clinic started out, 1/3 of their business was sending people home with castor oil packs. Wrapping a castor oil soaked cloth over your side/ liver at night can really help your liver and digestion. The first night I did that, I slept like a baby! Sounds weird but it really makes a big difference. You can get more info from queenofthethrones.com Avoid stuff in boxes and bags (all processed) for a start. Try real European sourced bread. Stop using American bread. And Use high quality all natural nutritional supplements. The cheap ones can be very harmful. ( cheap vitamin E is made from petroleum base! Cheap calcium can be Limestone base) Get rid of the recliner. They may be comfortable, but they are really bad for you. Try piliates, tai chi or bigan yoga. Start simply but just stretching out the muscles on a regular basis really helps.
When you have your gallbladder out, then your liver has to work harder. Try to eat better. The Japanese like a product called Tudca that helps with the bile in your liver. Interesting enough, when Mayo clinic started out, 1/3 of their business was sending people home with castor oil packs. Wrapping a castor oil soaked cloth over your side/ liver at night can really help your liver and digestion. The first night I did that, I slept like a baby! Sounds weird but it really makes a big difference. You can get more info from queenofthethrones.com Avoid stuff in boxes and bags (all processed) for a start. Try real European sourced bread. Stop using American bread. And Use high quality all natural nutritional supplements. The cheap ones can be very harmful. ( cheap vitamin E is made from petroleum base! Cheap calcium can be Limestone base) Get rid of the recliner. They may be comfortable, but they are really bad for you. Try piliates, tai chi or bigan yoga. Start simply but just stretching out the muscles on a regular basis really helps.