There has to be an existing psychological analysis of human facial expressions. And Walz's frequent astonished bug eyed look or whatever it is called would be the worst you could have for someone in the limelight all the time. The bar for normal appearance in Minnesota must be really low. Research needed! kek
How did he rise to the top in his state to be elected governor anyway? The republicans party really sucks in quite a few states. But the republican party in this state takes the grand prize for ineptitude due to walz getting elected governor.
The political parties collude to give us this shit!
There has to be an existing psychological analysis of human facial expressions. And Walz's frequent astonished bug eyed look or whatever it is called would be the worst you could have for someone in the limelight all the time. The bar for normal appearance in Minnesota must be really low. Research needed! kek
How did he rise to the top in his state to be elected governor anyway? The republicans party really sucks in quite a few states. But the republican party in this state takes the grand prize for ineptitude due to walz getting elected governor.
The political parties collude to give us this shit!