posted ago by ViaToil ago by ViaToil +37 / -0

Ok, Daughter 30, had a major seizure a couple weeks ago now a week after she and her family had a round of "covid" in the home(she had two shots to be able to work during scamdemic) She has never had a seizure before, it was a medical emergency, it hit her so hard she stopped breathing, thank god the medics got there quick enough. While in hospital, she did have all the blood workup and scans including MRI, She is feeling pretty back to normal now (is back to her part time work and online courses) but, her hair is now falling out (she is NOT on any medication currently, since it was her first time, dr said that unless she has another, they would not put her on any meds). She happens to be going through online collage in her area for medical coding and was talking with one of her teachers yesterday and her teacher told her that she has 2 other students who as well had the exact same kind of seizure as my daughter had and all within a week of my daughter (all PA). Need advice and or any further information about all that, if anyone happens to know anything. Thank you. Could hairloss be a reaction to any dye the used for the scan? I know nothing about all that.