I have been here a bit. How do you earn a Pepe?
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I think it's 40k idk,I have way more than that.
I enjoy being in the no pepe club.
I have no idea how I got one , it was a few years ago , it just appeared . Actually , if I have to have one I would have liked a frog !
One of the previouse mods was passing them out like candy,I didn't ask for one....
I never asked either , I’m not sure how I even got it , I think I’ve made 2 post in all the years, I’ve been on here !
It is 40,000. 😫 It’s kind of sad because it’s such a huge amount to hit that there isn’t really a motivation to try. A good post response is 200 points. If you can manage to have one of those once a week (good luck) you will have your Pepe in less than 4 years! I’ve been here about 4 years and am barely 1/4 the way there.
I have zero post and 78k upvotes on this account and probably around 20k on my original account. In 4 years or so.
We have lots of good people posting excellent info,I don't feel like competing or littering up the board.