He lays it all out. What capabilities the feds have and what they are doing [hint almost nothing.] Discusses intentionality of withholding aid, yes he goes there.
Need equivalent to a Division with full logistics. Tents, sleeping bags, rations and field kitchens, fuel, water purification, generators, comms, command and control. Engineers (per 8kun some engineers have deployed.)
[body bags, recovery of remains . . . ]
Individual soldiers taking leave to go help!
They have it ALL! What, if not THIS, are our premiere divisions being held back to respond to?? Maintaining readiness, to be ready for WHAT if not this?!?
Seconding mod request for a sticky.
He lays it all out. What capabilities the feds have and what they are doing [hint almost nothing.] Discusses intentionality of withholding aid, yes he goes there.
Need equivalent to a Division with full logistics. Tents, sleeping bags, rations and field kitchens, fuel, water purification, generators, comms, command and control. Engineers (per 8kun some engineers have deployed.) [body bags, recovery of remains . . . ]
Individual soldiers taking leave to go help!
They have it ALL! What, if not THIS, are our premiere divisions being held back to respond to?? Maintaining readiness, to be ready for WHAT if not this?!?