Oh you know that based on your "technical knowledge" What a fool you are. As if the government wouldn't have a cover story for some of their secret weather modification. Since HAARP is so publicly known, it probably is the cover story. Either way claiming you know because of your "Professional Technical knowledge" is retarded because YOU are not privy to classified program, so you can't know. Dickhead.
Its missing Project Cirrus
No it isn't :))
Holy shit I'm blind
Your opinion doesnt matter, go away
I just dont argue with people who have only been here for 119 days bloviating over themselves, good luck in all that you do!
Oh you know that based on your "technical knowledge" What a fool you are. As if the government wouldn't have a cover story for some of their secret weather modification. Since HAARP is so publicly known, it probably is the cover story. Either way claiming you know because of your "Professional Technical knowledge" is retarded because YOU are not privy to classified program, so you can't know. Dickhead.