posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +190 / -0

"We are tired of being told our masculinity is “toxic”, and tired of the 2SLGBTQIA+ bullshit being pushed upon us and our children. We are tired of engaging in this psychotic clown show that the Left has adopted. We are tired of being mocked. We are done pretending this is normal.

We are fed up with the psychological operations. The Left have turned the majority of the women into insufferable Democrat cultists, who have been brainwashed to hate masculine men. They have also brainwashed our children and convinced them that they must mutilate their genitalia, and that gender is fluid.

We are tired of the corrupt government stealing all the tax dollars from our labor, and using it to wage wars across the globe, while the American people suffer. We are done being slaves.

We are tired of being told what we are seeing is not real. We are tired of being lied to on a global scale. We are tired of being poisoned and deceived.

We are tired of pretending. The entire Left-wing machine has been waging war on men for years, and now they are surprised that we have had enough.

They need to be worried about a lot more than just losing the election. The men of this nation want heads to roll for what they have done to us, and many of us will not rest until that task is accomplished.

The chickens have come home to roost."