All this talk of the Tartarian Empire is fascinating to me, it sounds almost too good to be true, yet at the same time there is so much evidence that it likely existed prior to America's founding...
Even if all the presented proof of Great Tataria's existence is later found to be fake Post Great Awakening, The concepts of Tartarian life are perfect world-building material that I could use for a future novel I would probably write
More lies and deception... America was an advanced civilization way beyond our current state. We inherited this country already built and established.
All this talk of the Tartarian Empire is fascinating to me, it sounds almost too good to be true, yet at the same time there is so much evidence that it likely existed prior to America's founding...
Even if all the presented proof of Great Tataria's existence is later found to be fake Post Great Awakening, The concepts of Tartarian life are perfect world-building material that I could use for a future novel I would probably write