You are correct. Several years ago a man died of AIDS and related conditions, and dr.s needed to know exactly what kind of cancerous tumors he had. Having the tumors dna tested, they found that they consisted of TAPEWORM dna. Not a tapeworm. Not a nest of them. Just their cells, free floating around in you, can deposit themselves ANYWHERE and start growing 'cancer'. I recall it was a BBC article and I was horrified.
You are correct. Several years ago a man died of AIDS and related conditions, and dr.s needed to know exactly what kind of cancerous tumors he had. Having the tumors dna tested, they found that they consisted of TAPEWORM dna. Not a tapeworm. Not a nest of them. Just their cells, free floating around in you, can deposit themselves ANYWHERE and start growing 'cancer'. I recall it was a BBC article and I was horrified.