If the DEMS were to follow through with their threat to block DJT's certification, I posit that this would be a golden opportunity for the Military to step in. Assuming the Brunson case remains in SCOTUS' in-box, and since the underpinnings of all this situation is Treason, JAG could take the reigns with a trial laying out (for all the world to see) the thousands of depositions, testimony, documentation and video evidence of the 2020 election fraud. Once all this information FINALLY sees the light of day...then the Brunson "solution" would be an automaitic.
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I have a hard time believing Q team would put us thru another 'fuckery' election. I suspect we WILL get a Hillary swap soon, and it will lead us to Q's first post about her arrest on 10/31. All of this will fall under Sleepy Joe's DOJ so the Dems can't point the finger at Trump who's been arrested as well. But it also redeems us about the storm and everything we've said about them going down for the past 7 years. The normie will have to choose that either we were right or just simply be furious at their own party for taking themselves down. This will lead to a 50 state sweep.