Too bad about Sebastian Stan, the actor who plays this lefty fiction version of Trump. He was good as Bucky Barnes in the Marvel movies, and since he looks a lot like young Mark Hamill has been for years the favored actor for replacing Hamill for Luke Skywalker when fans of Star Wars have fantasized of a reboot that would erase the Disney era sequel movies. But he made a bad mistake here. Even if that reboot was to happen now and he got the role, and the movie was good, this will drive away people from it. Probably from anything he makes after this.
Too bad about Sebastian Stan, the actor who plays this lefty fiction version of Trump. He was good as Bucky Barnes in the Marvel movies, and since he looks a lot like young Mark Hamill has been for years the favored actor for replacing Hamill for Luke Skywalker when fans of Star Wars have fantasized of a reboot that would erase the Disney era sequel movies. But he made a bad mistake here. Even if that reboot was to happen now and he got the role, and the movie was good, this will drive away people from it. Probably from anything he makes after this.
He will be cancelled on this one.