Akka 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, it is a hopeless endeavor for many if they obey the recommendations for eating and losing weight that we have been given since at least late 70s. You know, avoid fat, eat a lot of carbs, avoid animal products, fat should only be what is made from plants, all those totally new stuffs that didn't even exist back in the days when most people had no problems staying slim.

This also seems to be something that has been planned for a long time. And everybody who has tried to fight against it has been attacked. Starting at least with Atkins.

Akka 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not in the long run maybe, but eternity is not where we live. Look at Russia or East Germany, any communist regime that has fallen... it happened in the end, but a lot of people lived under those their whole lives, and they destroyed the lives of many, and a lot of people died thinking that those regimes were there to stay. I don't think there are any guarantees that we personally will now see the fall of the cabal or whatever you want to call it, during our lifetimes. What the white hats are doing might still fail, fail for now anyway. We do have free will, and if not enough people are now willing to act maybe it will not work, or will not work fully.

That of course will not mean that all hope is lost forever. Human lifetimes are short. God plans for longer. But he did give us free will, so presumably he will not force us to comply, we have to do it of our own free will. He just keeps giving us the chance to do so.

Akka 2 points ago +3 / -1

There are some diseases that actually seem to be gone or mostly gone - smallpox and polio come to mind - so one question that does come to mind is this:

What if some vaccines do work, or there are versions of them that do work, and without too many bad side effects, but after a while it became obvious that using too many of them is of course bad for business because what are you going to sell when too many diseases are actually gone? And too healthy a population is bad for the ruling class too...

So the actually effective formulas, especially for the newer stuff, are locked up in a vault somewhere, and what is given is usually either something that doesn't work, works badly, or doesn't work too well because, well, more profits when the population is sicker, and good for the ruling class too because people who NEED health care a lot are easier to rule.

And the actually working stuff, or at least some of it, will be dug out and used if/when the resistance to vaccinations becomes too widely spread. Then we might get something for at least one or two more serious diseases - or, heaven knows, a new variation for something serious that is really serious and starts killing off noticeably large groups of people, perhaps especially children if the situation becomes too bad for the aristos, and

TADAA!! Suddenly there is this new improved vaccination that very obviously DOES work!

Now line up and be good peasants and you will get it, and no more of your children will die.

Would they be that smart?

Well, provided that it is possible to make vaxes that work and work that well in the first place.

Akka 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even if that were true, it's not definitely anything like an "all-time high", it would be merely the "highest recorded during the short span of years we have been measuring".

Which is a very, very short time. At least when you consider that according to paleontology and geology Earth has been a world humans could have lived on for something like a few million years... well, merely over 400 million years ("could have lived on", not "lived", although it seems our origin is constantly being pushed further back in time, so who knows how long we have actually been here). And most of that was before the current Ice Age started, 2,58 million years ago (and is still supposed to be ongoing, we are in an interglacial right now).

So, since we are in the middle of a slightly warmer era of an ongoing Ice Age... Heh. An "ALL TIME high"? Don't they believe in science?

I know, I know, they "believe in science" - or whatever results whatever study gets, to be more accurate - when it suits them, and forget everything about that when it doesn't.

Akka 9 points ago +9 / -0

Well, since it just means "normal" there really is no need to invent a label for it because everybody damn well should know what a woman and a man mean. A woman is a woman, a transwoman is a male who roleplays as a woman, a man is a man, and a transman is a female who roleplays as a man, and the latter versions are the only ones who need a label because they are not normal.

Now, in principle I don't have any major problems with people who feel the need to roleplay as the opposite sex, provided they have the sense to realize that they actually aren't a member of the opposite sex because there is no way to change their actual sex, so no matter what they feel like or how well they can do their roleplay or how well they can fulfill the role of their preferred gender in society it still is just roleplaying. So, if they can be honest about that, and not do something like lie about it when it really matters (when they are dating, to their doctors, some jobs...) or try to force others to pretend that they actually are the SEX they aren't, fine, play all you want. When what you do doesn't hurt anybody else I see no problems with it, not everybody has to be normal, and sometimes the eccentrics even can give valuable contributions to society. When a person's mind doesn't work quite like that of most people they may also be able to "think out of the box", maybe notice things others don't, and that can occasionally become useful.

But the eccentrics should be able to accept that they are exactly that. Eccentrics. Not normal.

And they should always be very, very careful about that "not hurt anybody else" part.

Unfortunately, of course we currently are way past that kind of mostly benign eccentricity.

Akka 2 points ago +2 / -0

He could be actually based, just careful about how much he dares to say because he needs to keep his channel in order to have a job. Or he could be, as you say, just somewhat. But his channel has become very popular fast, and that makes the careful approach good.

You can't wake up anybody who is still entrenched in the illusion by telling them the whole truth at once, or most times you can't, people in general do not want to find out that everything they have believed is actually a lie and what seemed like a safe world to them isn't. And most of all they DO NOT want to think they have been played for fools most of their lives. So the resistance to that can be fierce. But when you keep giving those hints embedded in something that mostly seems like harmless entertainment, long enough, that can prime a person into accepting the truth because in the end, when they finally do, they will think the realization is theirs, that they weren't waken up by somebody else but did it all by themselves.

Akka 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately, the new Finnish government will probably not do anything significant against the globalists, the Finns Party looked promising in the beginning but when it comes to what they have actually done after they got into government, well, so far it looks like they are merely controlled opposition. And probably the only reason they finally got what seems like actual power is to pacify the populace when a lot were starting to wake up due to the mess the previous lipstick group, led (maybe not, she could be just a puppet, chosen for her looks, although she has visited most of the WEF meetings during the last years) by Sanna Marin, managed to create.

Akka 5 points ago +5 / -0

You could start offering your voice as the narrator for audiobooks. A lot is now published as audiobooks, and they are popular. As far as I know when it comes to indie books - books published either by the author, or by a small independent publisher sometimes - the author can choose the narrator, and with indies often pays them herself too, and today there is a LOT of those published. Including a lot by conservative authors. As there is also a big demand for traditional adventure and such, and cozies, and all kinds of stories the trad publishers no longer are willing to buy.

There are some tips here: https://www.audible.com/blog/article-how-to-become-an-audiobook-narrator

Audible, and its mother company Amazon, are undoubtedly evil to some rather big extent, but right now they are the sites most customers know to go looking, and they mostly allow all kinds of authors to publish on their platform so with most indie authors they are still the primary seller for their books.

Maybe get on Facebook, and its better alternative MeWe, and what other similar places there are, find author groups that would not reject you based on your political opinions. Not easy, as most are probably more or less hiding, at least on facebook, but you could try to find authors who look promising and ask in their fan groups.

You could try looking for authors who might want a narrator for their books directly, by searching for indies published on the Kindle Direct program by authors who sound like something you might like to read yourself, and send them a sample. You would have to start small, presumably, by narrating books for authors who are not any kind of names yet, and who probably can't pay you much, but on Audible at least people also search for audiobooks based on narrators they like, and if you started to get visibility that way you might be able to get possibly even a pretty well-paying career that way.

You should also get yourself a net site where you offer your services directly, and where it is possible to hear samples. Find older books, ones that no longer are copyrighted, to read, so that you will not risk problems due to copyright infringement.

One alternative might also be to search for books you like, but which are by new authors, and then try to find a way to get their authors a sample of you reading something of theirs. Most authors today do have blogs where it is possible to leave comments, so look for those, and for their facebook and other social media sites, most have those no matter what their opinion is of the platform or its owners, as it is kind of necessary if one wants to sell.

Akka 1 point ago +1 / -0

As far as I have been able to find out - yes, the climate is changing, and it has been getting warmer for several decades, but it is probably mostly what would have happened without human influence too. But there is also probably some human influence. Although it most probably is less from CO2 than some other things, which would be for example land use, large scale farming and such. However, it's not exactly the huge problem it is made out to be. And trying to stop it in the ways we are now doing is not going to work. Would make more sense to figure out ways to adjust to it, or to any other big potential changes. The next glaciation period is still going to happen sooner or later, maybe now just later, and there will be catastrophes we will not be able to prevent by any means we have now, like huge volcano eruptions, so - find ways to prepare to anything rather than try to keep things as they are now.

The only thing certain on this planet is that things are going to change, drastically, sooner or later, will have and will. And you don't need to look at things only in the geological time scales. It has happened several times during the era humans have existed here, and most times due to completely natural causes.

We need to create societies that are able to adjust to sudden changes in our environment.

Akka 1 point ago +1 / -0

And it's quite possible the Indians replaced and destroyed people who were already there. Who may have been more closely related to Australian aboriginals. There seem to have been some studies of some very old remains found in South America, and the people who lived in the southernmost tip of South America when Europeans first started to explore the continents, and of whom there were still few people left when DNA testing finally came possible, seem to have had some markers, if I remember correctly some articles I read maybe about 10 years ago.

But yes, immigration has been going on about as long as there have been people, but most times, when it happens in the very large scale, it means that the previous culture, and possibly most of its people, will be destroyed, one way or another.

Akka 2 points ago +2 / -0

That, the cut nerves, is, btw, the one big problem I see with any cosmetic surgery: you may end up looking great, but how much can your skin feel after that? Is it really worth spending the rest of your life with more or less numb skin?

Akka 8 points ago +8 / -0

Since when there is any surgery they always cut at least some nerves, and right now they can't repair that, I presume that hole doesn't have much in the way of feeling. Possibly none. And with all those other surgeries done, fake breasts probably don't have much feeling in them either, and if there are more modifications - even more nerves cut, and more skin that can't feel anything. So they are cutting off what does make sex feel pleasurable in the first place, the ability to feel somebody else caressing you.

Akka 3 points ago +3 / -0

This. There will be fakes who sound good, all types, and you can be certain those will be used against the whole Q movement. So we should be careful and check everything. This is not supposed to be something like two rival sport teams and seeing which one wins, and the supporters of "our" team cheering for everything, including every rumor, of how awesome "our team" is, this is supposed to be about finding out what is the truth. Even when it may not be what we want it to be.


So we should be careful. And check, and recheck, everything. Never trust blindly something just because it seems to validate what we want to be the truth. And yes, remember that there will be grifters who see this as an opportunity, to get money and fame for themselves.

As well as what you seem to call glowies (I'm in EU, I don't have anybody I could talk with face to face, for me this is all online, mostly just reading, and I'm not all that conversant with the lingo). Not just spies and such, also people who insert themselves into the movement and then try to make it look bad.

Be careful. Research. And then research some more. Just in case.

Akka 2 points ago +2 / -0

That film may not be able to do so well, after this:


That may be an effort to discredit Ballard, his group, and their claims. Or it may be based on truth, and Ballard himself is actually a fraud. Of course, even if Ballard is a fraud that doesn't mean the problem of trafficking is, he might just be some grifter who found out about it and decided to use it for his advantage.

Whatever alternative, this is something that should be investigated as thoroughly as possible.

Akka 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay, don't answer, I found it, and by now I presume the less the alternative channels are mentioned on sites like this - presumably under surveillance by EU - the better.

Akka 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice. It is unavailable here (I'm in northern Europe) due to "contains incitement to hatred". So restricted from here. Looks like our overlords in EU finally noticed that there were some free channels for videos around and have started to make sure we can't see what they don't want us to see themselves. Is that video anywhere else?

Akka 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course. Nobody is born twisted, or most aren't (there seem to be studies about psychopaths having some sort of brain anomalies, but born psychos are presumably a minority). They have to be made that way. And getting too many rebels against the "ruling class" in the ruling class might be bit of a problem. You know, like Trump?

So their children have to be caught early, and these new world order architects need to make as sure as possible that they never turn against them. Some get seduced into new leaders and makers of their wanted world, but the rest need to be brainwashed to become supporters, or at the very least people who will stay complacent with what they have and will not turn against them.

I wouldn't be surprised if what is claimed in this "training manual" published some 50 years ago was the actual literal version of what they get taught in the final stages of their training instead of being just some sort of fable of what is going on.



(So the amazon link is there because it explains what is in the book, but it's available for free on archive and on other sites around the web)

Akka 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have to say I was a bit surprised when I noticed when it was first published. I ran across the Audible version when I was looking for something else, and it was free for members (I like to listen to books when I'm cleaning or doing other chores) so I took it. And it sounded like something written during the last few years. But no.

Too bad it didn't become better known back then. If more people had at least read it that might have made things start moving earlier.

Akka 3 points ago +3 / -0

History rarely repeats exactly. But it tends to rhyme.

Akka 3 points ago +3 / -0

Elon Musk may just be somebody who is for Elon Musk, there are bound to be quite a lot of players who are more or less gray, not exactly committed to anything, but trying to figure out what course will benefit them personally most.

I'd bet this whole game is rather more complicated than just white hats vs black hats and everybody playing for one of the teams. So, if Musk is mostly for himself, with luck perhaps he thinks the white hats are looking a bit better bet right now than the black hats, or figures that he'd have better odds for himself if the white hats win, and is trying to look good to them, or even help them, as best as he can, at least when he can maybe benefit from it himself too. With bad luck, he isn't, is playing for the other team one way or another, or is being used by the black hats without perhaps even realizing that he is being played, maybe because they are not actually attacking him but are using his ambitions to attack, misdirect or hinder the other team.

Akka 1 point ago +2 / -1

There is one point to that comment. Because it is something that is easily googled the way to answer it is with math, comparing the numbers of existing windmills and bird deaths to how many windows and bird deaths caused by them there are. Also, what kind of birds are more likely to die by windmills compared to what kind of birds are killed by windows. If you just call the commenter stupid that makes it easy for that commenter, and everybody who agrees with the comment, to just dismiss what you are saying without thinking about it. If you dig out the verifiable numbers, less easy to do that.

And when you are talking about normies you usually never can change their minds just by one comment, least of all by just calling them stupid which usually only hardens their resistance (and that is just the normal human trait). The only way to change a mind is usually by the method you could compare to the idea of the Chinese water torture: drip, drip, drip, drip... they may not think about what you are advocating after one time, nor after two or three or a few years either, but if it seems you can give them facts that may lodge in their subconscious and then there very well may be a preference cascade after some future point.

At which time they will probably think they figured it out all by themselves, but who cares as long as they will change their mind.

We do want to change minds, right? Not just piss off people who don't think like we do?

by IAmOne
Akka -7 points ago +2 / -9

How often do you visit women's locker rooms? I'm a woman and I used to swim a lot when younger and I have seen some rather gross examples during my life, and a couple of times on women who were not otherwise fat. Seems it can be a hormonal problem, or sometimes, from what I have read, a genetic trait. And if the woman was fat for a long time, especially when younger but then managed to lose most of that weight, or got fat and then lost weight when already older, you can end up with surprising sags in places you didn't think might end up sagging that embarrassingly. Also, after a pregnancy sometimes. You can find those discussions (what to do about them, or should one feel embarrassed or not) on some boards aimed at women online too.

So, still not convinced. It is a possibility but not certain as far as I am concerned.

Also, when it comes to accusing one of those people of something I think we should stick to things that will have harder evidence behind them than just something "that looks like she has a sausage there" when it's something you can only glimpse in a few videos and could be explained by something else. Now speculating about possibilities is one thing, stating something you can't actually prove as a fact can make everything else you say seem doubtful too. And then the normies can more easily dismiss you as a nutty conspiracy theorist. Not good.

Akka 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because the paint has worn off? :D

by IAmOne
Akka -6 points ago +3 / -9

Well, it is possible. But to play the devil's advocate here a bit, there ARE women who have enough fat in their pubic mound that it looks as if they had something else in that area when they are wearing clothing that is clingy or tight enough to reveal the contours of that area. There seems to be even a term for that, Fuba. And one doesn't need to be fat otherwise to have that fat, for some it is supposedly a genetic trait.

So having an obvious protruding mound, even something that seems to kind of hang, in that place - and all the photos I have seen look like that, there don't seem to be any where she'd seem to have something going very obviously a bit further into one or another of her pants legs - is not exactly proof that the person is actually male. And Joan RIvers might just have been feeling bitchy because she didn't like the person, and so thought that starting that rumor would be amusing.

There seem to be some pictures of "Mike" floating around the net from her/"her" childhood, so if she is actually a he then it's possible it's a case of a boy having been raised as a girl for who knows what reason. Or there has been an actual crime where the real Michelle was made to disappear so that a "Mike" could assume that identity.

So, I'd take that theory as not yet proven, although something that should be looked into. If Michelle is actually a Michelle and not a Mike, there should be at least some photos of her pregnant somewhere, more than a few people who knew her when she was a child, a teen, a young woman, pregnant, including people who shared a locker room with her in school or university and saw her in other similar places, in a swimsuit, and so on. Maybe somebody could dig into that.

And yes, having that mound fat reduced and the whole thing "lifted" and tightened is one of the procedures you find mentioned on the pages of plastic surgeons. Who knows why she hasn't gotten that done if she is a she. Maybe hubby likes it...

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