Interesting thought, at the end. I have been pondering that very question concerning our country. Part of me would like to see fed govt stripped down to the very basics of the Constitution, then building new. But part of me questions what that would look like, and how seniors and our most vulnerable Americans would survive? What chaos would descend upon us? So, cleaning everything out, disinfectant and a fresh coat of paint - NEW RULES in the house - might be the better way to go about it?
Interesting thought, at the end. I have been pondering that very question concerning our country. Part of me would like to see fed govt stripped down to the very basics of the Constitution, then building new. But part of me questions what that would look like, and how seniors and our most vulnerable Americans would survive? What chaos would descend upon us? So, cleaning everything out, disinfectant and a fresh coat of paint - NEW RULES in the house - might be the better way to go about it?