I know that many of you GA patriots feel the same that I do. My hope is that we do see some of the many things that we have discussed on this forum to come true. Please know, that I understand that we have already seen so much come to light.
None the less, it is my hope that we do eventually see a day where those people who have wronged us, as Americans, are brought to justice. The we do get to see the day that the American Public is enlightened to the fact that Hillary Clinton was/is a monster and has/had been held accountable for her actions. That we have Military Tribunals to grant justice where justice is served. That our broken Fiat Monetary system is brought to it's knees and replaced with something better. Something that is backed by gold or some other commodity that makes sense and it allows the Amercian working class to get ahead for the work that we do, rather than it going to the elite that don't deserve it. Hope that Big Pharma is drained of it's power and simple remedys fix what ailes us and that our food system does not continue to poison the people we love. It is my hope that all of those deciphers that we did as a group on the Q posts, stand for something and do truly have the meaning (even if they are not the meanings that we deciphered along the way). It is my hope that many of us can stop standing quiet in the corner, listening to idiots around us blather on about political jargon that they know nothing about, Or carry on about how great Hollywood is to our society, or call us crazy to think that people are truly harming the children of our society for their pleasure or longevity.
Right now, I feel slightly defeated. I am not sure if my marraige will survive through this election cycle. My wife thinks that I am "crazy and wastes all of my time on useless political stuff that has no meaning". All the while as she spins her way through each and every Instagram video that comes her way. She chastises me any time I bring up items that I have learned to her and moreso to other people. Belittles me.
None the less, I have hope. Hope for a better America. Hope that we as a society can do better and be better and that we lift each other up along the way. If there truly will be 10 days of darkness followed by EBS that lays all this out, just know that I will be sitting quietly in the corner smiling from ear to ear as the people around me finally find out the truth that seems so glorified to us here on the GA.
If you have read all of this, thank you for your time. I hope it was not wasted and that you too, bask in Hope.
TLDR, I appreciate everyone on this board and all that you bring to "the table". Thanks for your time, energy and effort. May we see it all come to fruitiion.
I’m in the same boat Anon, and I’m a Mod here. My wife thinks anything I can’t directly control needs to be ignored, especially politics, and politics that don’t line up with her “friends” at work. She works at a hospital with nurses and social workers. Yeah, pretty left leaning. And she certainly wants to vote more based on hating Trump’s mean tweets and he’s an asshole, rather than take policy and actions into account and that we are in a subtle Red Dawn of our country. But since I can’t control it directly, I shouldn’t give a shit, even for our own daughters, per her opinion. Yep belittled that I don’t know shit or what I know is just “conspiracy” because CNN said so. And I keep awaiting the big Econ crash and terrorist attacks on our soil hoping it will scare the shit out of her. But we’re still waiting. I’m hopeful it’ll be over soon too, but I hope it’ll all go out with a bang to wake my wife, my kids, my family’s asses up! And then maybe they’ll appreciate some of what I know and want some understanding of how this all happened.
Yes, I hope and pray I make it too, and I’m right here with you. WWG1WGA
M boyfriend is the same way. He gets angry and says “you can’t do anything about it so why are you letting it affect you?” I decided a couple years ago to stop speaking with him about my knowledge.
Last weekend we attended a bonfire at his friend's house and world events were brought up. I had some alcohol in me and let loose on various subjects. The majority of the men agreed with me and added to the conversation. Most knew what I knew and I could tell they were surprised and relieved in a way that I let loose. This gave them an opportunity to connect with like minded truths and observations. (Felt liberating)
The wives were staring at me in shock and saying “tell us more!” Because their husbands were so respectful towards me, they found themselves intrigued and mouths opened in fascinated shock.
The best part? My boyfriend. He first looked at me with rolled eyes when I commenced. As the conversation ensued, and he saw the respect and engagement from his friends towards me, his expression changed towards a humble respect.
As we got in the car to leave, he said “they ate that shit up.” I said “yes, your friends are wise.”
I still won’t talk to him about things. In a way he doesn’t deserve the accommodation.
You and he both learned there’s better men out there for you.
Oh yeah. He’s a good man, but sticks his head in the sand. Says focus on what you can control. His points are valid and I may have offered the same advice when I was asleep. We woke up to a nightmare and I guess it’s an individual walk when someone wakes up. It is very annoying that he decided to respect my knowledge when his friends did instead of respecting my views beforehand.