I deeply apologize if this is not allowed but I am throwing all caution to the wind. I had an experience that lead me to Christ. It was the greatest decision of my life. It was the same experience that set me searching based on certain behaviors for understanding and that led me to Q and to this board. I have kept my head down for years. Not so much from fear but more from situations that have kept me too busy to think of anything else. I am so grateful for this board and the fellowship here. I have also learned a great deal. I feel terrible asking for more but I am desperate. I need prayer. I also need minds sharper than mine. I am in a battle not for my life but my child’s. For years I have been fighting and I am so very tired. Pediatric cancer is a monster and we have no savings left no doctors with the knowledge left and now there is yet another new and painful mystery ailment. Now I need to go to yet another new hospital where I have to meet round after round of doctors. We have had such horrible experiences that just the idea of another hospital makes me nauseous. I feel like I am walking this tightrope. I have to give them enough information to help them figure out what to do or test to order but if I don’t address them just right we will be blown off. Twice I didn’t handle that right and twice we had to be life flighted when it wasn’t “me overacting “ it is so hard. My only comfort is knowing that at the end of the day it is in my Lords hands. Yet I am literally trembling as I organize all the paperwork and pack and check meds. Please please pray for us. The pain is tremendous and with a compromised liver my options are limited. We have been pressured so hard to transition to palliative care but that is not something he is ready for and in truth neither am I. He doesn’t want a painless death he wants to live!!!! We are very much in the crosshairs because of my refusal of the clot shot and I suspect there is something in the doctors notes because that was when everything changed. Please please pray we get breakthrough. His cancer is well managed but they still push palliative care. I am alone and I am exhausted and I can’t do it anymore but I will because I can’t NOT fight for him. I have seen God deliver so many times and my faith in him is strong but my faith in our medical system is completely broken.
I can’t do this alone
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Yes,although we are taught in the scriptures that there are a number of things that can hinder our prayers, such as unbelief and our own words. Unforgiveness is the only one that Jesus himself (specifically) mentioned. A great example of the benefits of forgiveness is found in "Job 42:10 where this is written "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job (WHEN) he(Job) prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before" During the time of Job's great trials, his friends came against Job,with their tongues, accusing him but (NOTICE) even though his friends had done Job wrong,Job was healed (WHEN) Job (finally) prayed for them. And not a moment sooner. This Bible principle is confirmed by (1John 5:16) where God encourages us to, "Pray ye one for another that (YOU) might be healed. DO YOU SEE IT. "That (YOU) might be healed" Our (OWN) healing comes to us when we pray for others especially those that have done us wrong, even our enemies and so the opposite has to be true, our own healing is hindered by unforgiveness. OUR Physical healing has been PAID FOR IN FULL by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, HEALING BELONGS TO US, we really don't even have to ask for it, we only have to thank God for it, BECAUSE IT IS ONE OF OUR BENEFITS AS CHILDREN BELONGING TO CHRIST. See: Psalms 1031-3. But even though it belongs to us, unforgiveness can hinder it from coming to us. For example,You may own a car, and it's true it's your car and you can drive it when you want, but if the garage door is shut, you are greatly hindered from using your car. Forgiving others and praying for others makes sure the garage door is always open for access to your car, your healing.
That is so much wisdom I think it will take me a while to unpack it. It was there staring me right in the face but I didn't grasp it. Thank you. Powerful stuff.