It could be individuals, their characteristics, or their stances / policies / ways and such. It could also be something that is seen as a 'net negative' about them, but seen in a positive light. Or it could simply be a silver lining to an otherwise dark AF cloud.
As an example of (one of the) above instances, I've seen some of the most hardcore leftists openly admit that -- despite the 100,000,000,000+ things about DJT that they utterly despise --- that they nevertheless find the man GENUINELY funny AF. Despite their negativity towards the guy (and that whole TDS part); they appear to give credit where it's due, well, in this particular instance anyways.
Many of them, as you all know, did indeed laugh at the jokes (cracked at THEIR very expense) in his AI Smith dinner speech the other day. Similarly - and of late - I've even seen some of them admit (albeit begrudgingly) acknowledge that Elon Musk - as much as they fucking hate him now - is nevertheless LEGITIMATELY the driving force behind SpaceX's incredible achievements.
What are some of YOUR TOP PICKS (from those you otherwise oppose on an average day) of THIS very sort?
Would love to know! :) :)
the way they organize and work as a team for what ever the leadership needs done, right or wrong, compared to the right where we operate like a herd of cats...
Hit the nail on the head with this one. As a matter of fact, this is something that I've ALWAYS witnessed with ANY "Good People v/s Bad People" fights. The bad guys will ALWAYS be more AWARE, more ALERT, more READY, and honestly, more INTELLIGENT than the good ones. More importantly, in the face of a common enemy, they are ALWAYS the very first ones to (in most cases) see past their internal battles and stand UNITED against ALL who dare oppose them. Even mass media outlets (shilling for their respective political sides) will come together when THEIR (COMMON) DARK AGENDAS are in the danger of getting exposed publicly.
The "good guys" - in the meantime - are busy trying to destroy one another; or, worse, enter into fucking competitions of who's going to be NICER ......... to the goddamned ENEMY (of all things).
There's a reason so many people root for the bad guy to win in most movies lol. Hard to blame them when the "good guys" are all busy acting like UTTER. FUCKING. MORONS. lmao.