I've seen some of my friends here complain, on post that I myself have made, that down votes should not be anonymous. I respectfully disagree.
#1 Candid opinions are the most valuable. And the most candid are done anonymously.
#2 With most of the topics I choose to write about, I don't feel I did a good enough job if I don't get at least a small percentage of down votes. No progress or learning happens in an echo chamber of 100% agreement.
#3 It is appreciated if, on some topics, your down vote is accompanied by a thoughtful rebuttal.
"That just can't be true" ≠ thoughtful rebuttal.
On another note:
Some super smart people can come off as really stupid with some of the opinions they hold a la never Trumper's etc. I submit to you that open mindedness is a key that allows you to utilize your intelligence to its fullest potential. Think about it.
If you don't know how to down-vote this post let me help…
Click the bars at the top left.
Click settings.
Set "community styling" to "off".
Click "SAVE" at the bottom.
I can teach you how to down vote, but nobody can teach you how to think deeply and logically.
That is a willful decision.
Cheers friends,
I only dislike the weaponiztion of down votes which come in two forms: mild and spicy.
Mild: a person is butthurt so they down vote your comments in that thread purely out of butthurtness. Even if your comments was a banal as 'kek'.
Spicy: said person then clicks on one's handle and goes through pages of one's comments just to down vote. "Yeah, that'll show them not to make ME butthurt *sucks thumb.
Both are exceedingly what I like to call, "bitch moves" and I can only imagine that person looks like Destiny (if male) or Joy Reid (if female).
😂 +1 u/Allergic_to_Blueshit it looks like you have a stalker with the -1...
I would take solace in the fact that I'm living rent-free in their head if I could just find it within me to give a fuck what they thought.
I didn't come here to please people.
I came to GAW to share ONE specific thing.
(Not the artery cleanse)
After Trump is back in office, I'm going to write that one specific post. It will transform many lives.
😄, thanks, fren!
Or it's a simple way to show someone they disagree with your comment but don't think it's worth saying why. I think most downvotes are that.
Sure, most rare. Not all. I was very limited in when I said down votes are annoying. But, there certainly are people that fall within that limited scope.
Yesss, yes more down toots. Delicious down votes.