Also last week was listening to a radio show where a group o legal experts, forget the group name, was trying to find records from all the cases Kamala has supposedly tried in court. They could not find one single record of her actually trying any case.
i could be missing something, but mcdonalds statement is just simply saying that they have no record because they don't have all their records. not that they know for a fact she never worked there. so it basically doesn't prove or disprove anything at all.
Maybe she work in at McDonald's as a lot lizard and that's how she met Willie? Just a theory.
Would love to see that McDonald’s character. What would the costume look like?
Also last week was listening to a radio show where a group o legal experts, forget the group name, was trying to find records from all the cases Kamala has supposedly tried in court. They could not find one single record of her actually trying any case.
She might have been working under a different name before she was ‘selected’ like Odummy was selected and his past was scrubbed.
i could be missing something, but mcdonalds statement is just simply saying that they have no record because they don't have all their records. not that they know for a fact she never worked there. so it basically doesn't prove or disprove anything at all.
very misleading