I got banned for a day because I was dooming. The mods did a very insightful and just service to do so. I spoke to my brother during this time and he set me right and pushed back hard upon my crushing feelings. He is a Veteran also and we both share the history. He sent me this video and he told me to read the comments to bring me back. Thanks to the Mods here and my Brothers. I hope you can find it in your hearts to understand what Donald Trump is going to bring back to this Country. I remeber his inaugural address and his July 4th celebrations , especially in D.C. and now I can reel it back in. We have times of dispair, ya'll, we love the MAGA movement so much and are so proud to be elbow to elbow with you. Salute to the Commander in Chief!
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I had an E-6 in Vietnam, he told us...NEVER, EVER GIVE IN, HELP YOUR MEMBER(S) IN THE SQUAD AND ABOVE ALL ELSE, IF THEY FALL SEE THAT THEY GET OUT OF HARMS WAY SOONEST...a REAL FUCKING HARD-ASS but we learned those lessons, even though our lives diverged...Those lessons stayed there
Hand Salute SkiSkiUSMC!!!!!
RET. E-8!!!!