posted ago by AmateurExpert ago by AmateurExpert +12 / -0

Some people have noticed the presence of very large bonds on this election, and the last election (2023) and before that. This may happen every election, dating back to who-knows-when.

If there is a $1 billion bond up for vote, in a county of 22,000, for schools (“graft”), do we:

  • Vote it in as the last money/asset grab before the dollar collapses
  • Vote it down like we always should have been doing

I’m thinking at this point that every dollar of that damn bond is going to be propping up the local deep state on our backs.

“Vote no to all bond props, countrywide.” seems like the best path forward, but maybe I’m missing something. Thoughts?

2023 thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rlrMTkE3/bond-proposal-a-research-needed/