AmateurExpert 9 points ago +10 / -1

First, you understand that it’s a waste of time.

Then, you understand that you’re rooting for and arguing over laundry.

Later, you notice that the whole thing is both a money laundering operation, as well as a deliberate movement to undermine the businesses of anyone opposed to the money laundering operation.

Professional Sportsball can’t die soon enough.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you trade evil for evil, and hold all wrongs against someone, there is neither room for error, nor a path to reconciliation. Wrongs accumulate across generations, and division deepens as animosity to them accrues.

There is a point at which you call a whore a whore, but I’m not up for playing the game of “your people did something 300 years ago.” The left is retarded. Deciding to run society that way because “they did it first” is acting like a really stupid child, and has provably never worked for the Irish. Now, if you can get her own people to hold her to the standard they created, by all means, but we shouldn’t play that game.

And that is the point of the sermon on the mount. You can either forgive, or cling to grievances.

Forgiveness is based on repentance and seeking to restore what was broken, though, and that parasitic hyena ain’t repentant.


AmateurExpert 17 points ago +17 / -0

First, her ancestors owned slaves. Can’t hold that against her.

Then, she enslaved men for free labor in the California prison system. That’s definitely very wrong.

Next she tries to chain (relatively) free people making under $100,000 a year into increased debt bondage so she can increase her masters’ control?

Get bent, whore.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

What in the world is going on here?


USA TODAY is calling out the communist rewriting of history.

This reeks of “op”, but what kind of crazy op is this?

Kamala is clearly the greatest presidential candidate of all time.


AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

PSH. Next thing you’ll try and tell us that watering crops with toilet water is a good idea.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was thinking this

Luke 17:29: But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all.

No, I didn’t add the brackets.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still like Chabenisky, to date, but dude was clearly involved in something.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nice. I gotta learn to discern writing transition scenes.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apologies, but one more thing - in another post since you read/responded already.

It’s not that stoning adulterers is good, it’s that adultery is bad and we should fear committing it, fear it for our lives if need be. Other things are of the same type. People will abandon what’s best for the long term all the time if they think they can get away with it in the moment. It’s just how we are, and it’s not among our best traits.

Note how the communists are actively attacking the family structure, and have been for decades, if not centuries. They understand, rightly, that parental ownership of children will always result in some degree of defection from their programming, and the method to resist it.

The end goal of communism is one central, inescapable worldly point of power - the capstone of the pyramid. Our goal is decentralization of power. Tear that damned thing to the ground.

While stoning an adulterer could be seen as harsh, which I noted, one purpose of that harshness is to protect, as being of utmost importance, a foundational building block of the societal structure standing in the way of their pyramid.

As we’ve broken down here, as we’ve allowed our families to disintegrate, they’ve stepped in and taken those children and made them theirs, made them to serve The Eye. The penalty is harsh because honoring the practice is of critical importance to [them] not winning, and they know it.

One point of many as to why I agree with the practicality of the Character and the Logos of it. To hell with their big club, and that’s from a big soft bleeding heart, who hates seeing anyone suffer the consequences of their deviations. All it costs to not get stoned for committing adultery is keep it in its home till getting home. It’s not that hard. (rimshot). Also worth noting, this law was not enforced very often. Mercy is a thing, too.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Better late than never fren! No worries!

Don’t take my position as just-in-case. That position strikes me as being better than rejection in the case of someone on the fence is all.

Especially when the Bible teaches you to stone adulterers to death.

World can be a harsh place, anon. It’s not that stoning adulterers is good, it’s that adultery is bad and we should fear committing it, fear it for our lives if need be. Other things are of the same type. People will abandon what’s best for the long term all the time if they think they can get away with it in the moment. It’s just how we are, and it’s not among our best traits. There are many verses like this. “If you dare get that match near the stove again, you’ll see what’s going to happen”, but imposed from .. I currently prefer to keep the consequences I consider confined to the material plane, which tends to be true enough. Most of these consequences are for believers, too, though there are some things that get applied to everyone, regardless of their beliefs (“Hi, Planned Parenthood! God sees you.”). There have been longstanding connections that indicate to me that the God of Abraham is real. I actually tend to suspect that the old Pagan gods were real (in a bad way, obviously) and several of them are currently remanifesting themselves spiritually, which is … not a good thing for anyone, and also ascribes more reasoning for the behaviors and beliefs of our ancestors than mere superstition and mass cultural deceit. I don’t agree with their character, but if some supernatural being was imposing itself on your town, 4000 years ago, in the absence of an opposing force or directive, you’d probably do what it demanded, too!

It's not a matter of just deciding to believe in God or not. It's a matter of why you believe or not. If the concept of God makes no sense at all to someone, it's not simply a matter of rejecting God. It's a matter of not having a reason to believe in God in the first place.

Meanwhile, I have had proven to me, from a logical standpoint (mind you, not one that I can recreate for others, but to where I personally have zero doubt, as a fairly logic-based person) that spiritual existence is real. I have had experience with several “coincidental” miracles, and several “experiential” miracles, and have no doubt that a hand of providence, for whatever purpose, has guided aspects of my life and kept me here and safe, however much suffering it has taken me to get through some of those passages (which in my life are admittedly relatively minor compared to the shocking traumas of many people i know) and pointed me in this direction. To what ends, I don’t yet know.

It's not a matter of rejecting it. It's a matter of not believing it exists in the first place. To reject something means that one believes there is something there to reject.

The character of God is reflected in His instruction. Whether you believe some superior being exists or not, that instruction absolutely exists. Let it be known that I have a great deal of beef with the church for what I see as failing to teach it adequately or correctly, and in many cases, actively opposing what is written. The current church as a whole is a poor reflection of the scripture. No knock on any specific congregation.

I also don’t necessarily agree with the concept of “bringing everyone into the faith as converts” while neglecting to make disciples in full - to the point that there are almost no disciples at all. There is a lot of validity to the mockery of the Flying Spaghetti Monster with the way that Christians teach the Bible.

I’m not trying to convince you, but only to let you know that if we start getting it right, you will see the light, in a manifest way, as it once was, and that when we get there, you don’t need to be able to visualize or imagine God to believe, but only to know His character, and we have that character written down. It just takes a lot of earnest humility and struggle.

I will happily write this up for you, but it’s going to take me some time. I know they’re there, but it’s going to be some effort to find them and aggregate and write and whatnot.

Forgot all about this, but it should definitely be a thread. Marked it to my “topics” list.

AmateurExpert 4 points ago +5 / -1

Has anyone ever wondered if Trump is Patton’s son or grandson?

Looks more like him than Fred.

AmateurExpert 7 points ago +7 / -0

“Who were once not a people”

The unifying thread is not genetics, but obedience to God.

Matthew 3:9: And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to [our] father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

There are chameleons hiding within “Israel” using it as narrative shielding to engage strategically in evil criminality of the highest orders, trying to wage war against God himself.

We are commanded by the scriptures to cut off the evildoers from among us.

“Oh but you can’t talk about…”


I have two concerns in this, that I try to state repeatedly:

  • That innocents would be swept up through misunderstanding of labels and poor discernment
  • That criminality would remain unchecked and in our midst because we dare not name the perpetrators or discuss how to identify them by their fruits

The path is narrow, and we must not go too far to either the left or the right.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s definitely going to be involved, too. “They’ve financed both sides of every war since…”. There are surely a primary 1-5 goals, but also an unknown number of secondary, tertiary, and “nice-to-have”s.

Good info to know that they were already prepping Korea and Vietnam during WWII, and probably before. Not so much shocking at this point, but hadn’t heard or considered that the plans dated back that far.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

I.e. “his last name isn’t ‘Cuban’.”

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

… I always wondered what the real purpose of the Vietnam War was.

Afghanistan seems to have been poppies and military positioning, …and something else, possibly biblical, that isn’t clear yet.

Iraq was petrodollar and hegemony.

But Vietnam? There may have been some truth in the “stop the spread of communism” narrative, but seems unlikely. Best guess had always been population control (on both sides - Vietnamese are wonderful people in my experience) and destabilization.

The Rockefeller oil angle adds a whole new dimension to it.

There is no way that massive war efforts are one, two, or three goal operations, though. Naturally there may be a few primary goals, sure, but there are likely dozens, if not hundreds of secret goals we don’t even begin to know about.

It’s very possible that there have been populations in all these countries [they] have warred against, including the US, that were much more advanced, righteous, and aware than we who remain - akin to the Tartaria theory, or how it’s possible that they focused on selecting people to send to war primarily from America’s most righteous locations, and areas where they needed to consolidate power. https://www.reddit.com/r/tartarianarchitecture/comments/pjnzgf/the_unsettling_mystery_of_the_worlds_columbian/

That article on Bill is very interesting, will be reading more later, thanks!

AmateurExpert 6 points ago +6 / -0

The reactions to this on Superstonk are hilariously NPC.

  • We support Ryan Cohen!
  • Do not discuss politics. Ever.
  • But, but, but, DD??
  • DD is dumb. This is Reddit. Ignorance is strength.
AmateurExpert 4 points ago +4 / -0

“Sir, we’ve got ‘The Civil War’ on line 2. Do you want me to take the call, or let them know we’re having some connection issues?”

(Totally upvoted, civil war was insane though)

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

We could call it … Abrainide.

No no, Brawndo! It’s … it’s got electrolytes!

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