Young People Can't Stand Harris
Earlier this year a lot of normie girls I know were really excited about Harris. They didn't particularly like Biden so they were energized by the change in pace and shift in the overall "vibe" of the campaign. It felt like the DNC was finally trying to do something cool and popular.
Now they're pretty much done with this campaign. They still don't like Trump but they don't like Harris either. They say she's fake, cocky, annoying and pandering to Republicans. The Dick Cheney thing really turned a lot of people off, that and her changing her position on so many issues. The "vibe" is now that she's Hillary 2.0 and no one is excited for it.
I teach (college) and I find that young women will vote for her (abortion rights) but young men are more conservative and will tend to vote for Trump.
A video I posted the other day was from a guy in Romania who was commenting on how in places where they lowered the voting age (to of course get more liberal votes) they ironically ended up with more right-wing people getting elected because the young women are mostly too lazy to vote while the young men where turning out in droves and mostly hate all of the liberal crap (which is also why nearly half of them have checked out of the dating scene as well.)
Young men know what has happened t them.