The truth is, if income taxes weren't deducted from people's paychecks, they would be able to do so much more All of which would help the economy grow and employ more people. It's when We The People see how the government confiscates our money and then gives it to foreign countries like Ukraine, that it becomes unbearable. I would love if the income tax was abolished and a 1% sales tax put in it's place. That way I wouldn't be penalized if I earned more. I could save a portion of my earnings and grow it tax free Taxing based on consumption is a much better way to go. The problem is the states would increase the tax when the feds reduced it. They reason if people have more money, they want a bigger piece of it. That needs to change.
Government employees, including our elected officials should be given a low base salary for showing up but the ability to earn more with the more money they save the public at large. Give them a piece of what is saved. Incentives should be made to make the government smaller and more efficient. That way they are aligned with the wishes of taxpayers.
The truth is, if income taxes weren't deducted from people's paychecks, they would be able to do so much more All of which would help the economy grow and employ more people. It's when We The People see how the government confiscates our money and then gives it to foreign countries like Ukraine, that it becomes unbearable. I would love if the income tax was abolished and a 1% sales tax put in it's place. That way I wouldn't be penalized if I earned more. I could save a portion of my earnings and grow it tax free Taxing based on consumption is a much better way to go. The problem is the states would increase the tax when the feds reduced it. They reason if people have more money, they want a bigger piece of it. That needs to change.
Government employees, including our elected officials should be given a low base salary for showing up but the ability to earn more with the more money they save the public at large. Give them a piece of what is saved. Incentives should be made to make the government smaller and more efficient. That way they are aligned with the wishes of taxpayers.