8 Are the White Hats really the bad guys? posted 139 days ago by realeagle 139 days ago by realeagle +9 / -1 21 comments share 21 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Like Lincoln said, “It doesn’t matter if we are on God’s side, it matters if God is on our side.”
I pointed out in 2017 to a friend, I will believe there is a good side between the two when everything pans out.
We have seen in the past where two sides fight each other, but both are bad.
We have always been on NATO’s side versus the Soviet Union, now we find out NATO is just as evil.
Revolutionaries always end up wearing the uniforms of their oppressors.
We fought a tea tax only to have thousands of other taxes levied on us.
The story goes on and on…. Until the Father and our Lord and Savior ends it and establishes the eternal kingdom.