The squirming, failing, flip flopping of the desperate Dems. And all the Libs can’t help but see it too
- Race card played- fail
- Gender card played - fail
- Interviews - failed
- Abortion card played- failed
- Celebrity endorsements- failed
- Threats of “climate change”- failed
- Gun control - failed
- Union endorsements- failed
- MSM endorsements- failed
- Open border policies- failed
- High cost of living - failed
- Foreign policy- fail
- Religious endorsements - fail
- Use of taxpayer funded orgs- fail
- Education policy- failed
- Energy policy - failed
- National security policy - failed
They only card they have left is to STEAL THE ELECTION.. it WILL be stolen and they’ll all be caught and prosecuted
I'm enjoying the show! Too bad I can't experience this movie with family and friends, but I've resigned to the fact that they're big boys and girls still wanting to live in the matrix.