i have a theory that Kamala is one the ringleader of the black illuminati in CA, anyone recall the fake black cops that worked for her that got busted impersonating officers, and her ties to puffy, claims have been made that he and some of his people are masons or illuminati Boulé, I'm almost positive she has been running cover for illegal operations in CA, i have a feeling she is going to get exposed in an extreme way
here is an insider spilling the beans https://youtu.be/hGrm0zIg8IE?si=sUvg0v1PmEe88rXk
if she was a ringleader of any kind or in charge of anything she would be WAY better at BSing through interviews and speeches.
in my opinion.
I'm sure she was involved in all kinds of evil corrupt stuff but she's way too inept to be a ringleader.
Or is that just some kind of act? Or is she drunk or high all the time?