Hi there! Looking for some help. Attending my first rally. It says the ABQ, NM rally is 12pm. Search engine floods with MSM BS whenever i try to find any info online.
So the opening speakers start at 12pm? Or doors open?
When would I be expecting to finish and leave?
What time should I arrive to get a spot?
I got a Airbnb nearby the rally. Is that a good idea or actually bad idea
Any other advice? Ive read to bring disposable chairs and food.
Much appreciated
I know that president trump speaks for about 1 hour 15 minutes every rally. When you say I should be out of there by 4PM, and based on my research looking at full rally videos, the itinerary should look something like this: 12pm event starts officially 3pm Trump starts speech 4pmish - Trump finishes speech
does that sound about right? and sorry I normally wouldn't be asking this, I just have to make sure I can make it to my other prior commitment that day.
Thank you for your advice thus far
Those times are about what I was guessing. Trump has a Rally in Nevada after Albuquerque so I am confident you will be heading out by 4 pm.