You all saw my last post upon the above topic, and you'll be happy to know that what you've seen is but the TIP of the ICEBERG of the absolute WINAMI that is headed for all of us patriots. And, oh yes, before I forget: "WINAMI" is a portmanteau of the words WIN and TSUNAMI. And I'm guessing further clarifications regarding that aren't exactly required here.
I usually give like twenty examples to drive home my point. But today, I'll just give ya'll just two.
You'll not even be needing any more of those "Hopium Shots" after that.
Here's a sweet little montage of two very interesting posts from two different front pages of two (entirely) different websites. The former is a screenshot from the (currently stickied) post on GAW. The latter, a screen-cap from the liberal shithole by the name of Leddit.
Not to even mention the fact that literally EVERYONE from DJT himself to thousands of YouTube, TikTok and Twitter comments (hell, even a surprising number of downvoted LIBERAL comments on Reddit of all places) are ABOVE one hundred percent CERTAIN that DJT's WINNING, AND winning by an utter LANDSLIDE at that. I mean, even attempting to dispute such by trying to play "devil's advocate"; or even as a mere "thought experiment" feels BEYOND ridiculous given who all we are even comparing here.
Now but obviously, this is NOT a call to get complacent and you ABSOLUTELY MUST vote and urge EVERY SINGLE PERSON OUT THERE to do the SAME; just wanted to mention how BIG said panic has even gotten for the scum that tried to destroy us all at Every. Last. Opportunity.
Their endgame is nigh, and to know just why, how about you give my SECOND and FINAL EXAMPLE a try? 😉
Enjoy the show ;)
Trump will win 75%/25% and MSM will simply Do what they DID in 2020. Change the numbers and 'report' that harris won.
Or common sense reality? WHO is working to make sure That Crime does not happen again?
So no one told you the plan?
Why is that?