I'm all for people's right to vote. But at this point, I see the Kamala Harris supporters (and I'm being as nice as I can) in one of these categories:
Outright demonic possessed & evil
Too brainwashed - serious psychological help needed
Too uncaring as long as they're paid (well on their way to #1)
Not having the mental faculties to properly deal with responsibilities like voting ("I saw their name on many signs, they must be ok"). But then, many people would have a hard time given the competency question of "Who's our current president?"!
Any other categories? "Nanotech OS / Ivermectin challenged"?
I'm all for people's right to vote. But at this point, I see the Kamala Harris supporters (and I'm being as nice as I can) in one of these categories:
Any other categories? "Nanotech OS / Ivermectin challenged"?