The concept of our country is known and simple: This country exists because WE THE PEOPLE say so. This concept is called popular consent. This concept is the fundamental basis of our United States Constitution. We "DO ORDAIN" (giving ourselves 'ministerial' power) this country into existence by way of our collective WILL.
The US constitution is a social contract--a virtual shrinkwrap contract--that is implicitly signed by way of birth on US soil. And later, when we're no longer babies but thinking persons, we simply continue to implicitly agree to the terms of our social contract.
If we actually SIGN a printed contract (or PDF), we are making an even more EXPLICIT and STRONGER statement of agreement to the contract.
I propose that WE THE PEOPLE
Re-write the Constitution with ONE change, we add "New" to the term "United States". So "The Constitution of the United States" becomes "The Constitution of the New United States"
Keep everything exactly the same. Well almost everything. (TBD)
But the difference is we are agreeing to abide by the United States Constitution as Contract.
We should also put in bold that the Constitution forms the Highest Law of the land, and some lawyer could also extend this to exclude the CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT and any "SECRET LAW" or "MILITARY LAW" or "MILITARY JUNTA" or "GOVERNMENT DEVOLVEMENT" or "DEVOLUTION" from superceding this contract.
Because that's what has happened with Constitution 1.
Also put in there that this does not invalidate our Constitution 1 citizenship, nor does it swear loyalty to any other State.
Also put in a clause that says that the Contract will NOT BE VALID until 51% of the TOTAL US POPULATION has signed the contract.
In other words, you don't want to put anyone at risk of being assaulted by Constitution 1 forces of US government for signing said contract.
Who holds these contracts?
I recommend writing your signature into a Privacy Blockchain like a fork of Monero, or DERO.
DERO is ideal because it's homomorphic. This means you can have a LIVE COUNT OF THE NUMBER OF SIGNATURES while cryptographically sealing the signatures of the signers. This way, the revelation of those who signed it only happens with their consent and at a certain time that 51% of US_TOTAL_POPULATION.
How about using the Second Amenment instead?
I talk to a lot of people and don't think a very large percentage are planning to exercise patience this time. Even the ones I am able to convince that there is a plan in place aren't willing to wait very many days. When asked how I will respond I tell them I will be staying home and playing defense.
It's just not reality. There aren't enough willing to make that sacrifice.
Oh ye of little faith.
Only 5% of colonials took part in the American revolution.
5% of 365 million is around 18.25 million. You think there's 18.25 million people willing to fight to the death with... who exactly?
Keep your eyes sewn shut and go fuck yourself.
We can all see you just signed on a couple of days ago to be a liberal asshole.