Border Patrol Whistleblower in O'Keefe's "Line In The Sand" Film Faces Retaliation For Exposing Child Trafficking - Badge, Radio...
Zachary Apotheker, the Border Patrol whistleblower who appeared in James O’Keefe’s film titled, “ In The Sand” is facing retaliation for exposing the Biden Regime’s child trafficking scheme.
He just needs to hold on for a few days.
Their will be a new sheriff in town.
I sure hope so.
And I hope he sues til his "superiors" are blued screwed and tatooed, as they say.
That should tell you quite a bit about how far up the trafficking industry goes.
To the very top.
How come the community is not beating the door down to protect this man who dared to tell the truth? Retaliation by superiors over something so wrong and so incomprehensibly evil. In my opinion the superiors should be fired & striped of their retirement benefits.
We have been “programed” not to care about children. No wonder we freak out over pets being abused & killed.
Well. I actually was looking to see where I can donate.
Contact O’Keefe, he may be helpful.
Worth it.
The opposite is worse in comparison:
If he kept all those things by keeping his mouth shut.
Yes. It is worth it.