I’ve been trying to make people see that it was very suspicious that 96% of registred voters voting in 2020.
(168m votes - 75m Trump, 80m Biden, 1m independents and 3% discarded.)
At first they don’t belive me. When they do the math, it suddenly would be strange if it were under 90%, since why would you register and not vote. When I then state that it never has been over 90% before, it’s still not that weird.
But there is another thing to this. Trump has gained support in many groups. It is unlikely that he has lost support. Why would you suddenly start trusting the news?
So he can’t really lose unless there are more votes than 100%.
Am I missing something? Is my math wrong?
illegal immigrants bump up the numbers
They have to be registred though, is there a new number available?