Thoughts on Tomorrow LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate +25 / -0

Here I am, an expat american ancap living in England, worrying about a US election. Never thought I would care so much about a result as this, even when it was crooked Hillary in the race. Tbh, never thought I'd see it be the case.

That said I will make no predictions on the result. There is no way to know what level of shenanigans will be tried, and no way to know if the fix succeeds again. I've seen so many so far here today, and all are plausible, although not all are that probable. I pray God's plan is carried out, and the devil is kept at bay for eternity from the nation I love, my homeland.

What I do know know is that this site has revealed the depth of the lies to all who are willing to see them. I have seen the level of fight to save the children from traffickers (and used to do daily round ups for it before life and God's will beat me up and remolded me with deep tragedy and then profound joy). I know Trump is more popular than ever, stronger than ever, and his competition can only win via fraud. Again. This time, however, it will be a harder job, as everyone who has brains is looking for the fraud.

I VERY recently remarried, and want to build myself a family. That is my focus now, and probably will be FOREVER, god willing. But if Trump comes back, there is a high probability I move back to my homeland to build my new life with my beautiful new wife there. I don't contemplate the alternative now, because I can't envision it at all. 4 more years of the inmates running the asylum into the ground is never going to be allowed by the patriots of America.

In closing, and as much as I find voting a mug's game normally, this time it is one clear way to prevent the lies from running around the world before the truth gets her boots on. So be sure to vote tomorrow if you haven't done so yet.

And remember:

  • check your ballot isn't spoiled.
  • take the unopened mail in ballot with you if you had one and report it to your sheriff if you are denied your right to vote
  • be prepared for shenanigans, and be sure to be safe tomorrow
  • take the time to make sure your choice is made and is not taken from you by hook or by crook
  • report anything that looks fishy. Film it, post it here and on X, share it with OMG, do what you must to help catch the scum who want to deprive the nation of hope
  • and never forget that where we go one, we go all, and that nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing