Excellent recap and reasoning for the close election results. Although to us here, there should have been a much greater disparity between these results, but you make a logical explanation why it is the way it is. Thank you!
Ty. Generally, it is "make it close" to defuse cheating claims; "Blow it out (landslide)" to force them to make cheating claims. I wasn't sure which way it was going to go, but apparently, they (Dems, media, Deep State) didn't either. 5D chess?
Trump's rally rhetoric of "big win", etc. was likely a yuuuuuge feint on the enemy to make them believe he was going with the landslide option. Intentional misdirection. Cheating operation got massively ramped up in attempt to counter expected landslide, exposing more fraud operatives and methods. But then Trump gets fraud exposure to use as leverage without having to counter the "you cheated to get this impossible landslide" false media narrative. Truly masterful Sun Tzu (Art of War) deployment, imo.
Excellent recap and reasoning for the close election results. Although to us here, there should have been a much greater disparity between these results, but you make a logical explanation why it is the way it is. Thank you!
Ty. Generally, it is "make it close" to defuse cheating claims; "Blow it out (landslide)" to force them to make cheating claims. I wasn't sure which way it was going to go, but apparently, they (Dems, media, Deep State) didn't either. 5D chess?
Trump's rally rhetoric of "big win", etc. was likely a yuuuuuge feint on the enemy to make them believe he was going with the landslide option. Intentional misdirection. Cheating operation got massively ramped up in attempt to counter expected landslide, exposing more fraud operatives and methods. But then Trump gets fraud exposure to use as leverage without having to counter the "you cheated to get this impossible landslide" false media narrative. Truly masterful Sun Tzu (Art of War) deployment, imo.
Definition of "feint": https://www.dictionary.com/browse/feint
Well said. 5D chess for sure!