posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate +11 / -0

I'm riding high on Trump's victory and the inevitable deep state collapse we all have been waiting for. What this election showed however is that, despite a huge red shift in political thinking, we all have work still to do. The Great Awakening isn't over, in fact it has only just begun.

Soon the demons among us will face justice. Soon the elites will suffer the cost of their transgressions. For them, life is soon to take a dark turn. Let it happen, and sip happily on your beverage of choice as it does, for this is God's will made manifest. Remember though that we are awake, and many will see these events as a nightmare scenario, and could break because of it.

We are all enjoying the salty tears flavoured popcorn with a smugness, me included. And we can for a little while, there is no shame in it. A victory should be savoured. But we have to be aware this is the start of a new world. If we keep the divisions in place, nothing will change. So here's some ideas on how to help your neighbours and family/friends get past this mess that they see before them, and realise this is a new dawn, not the end of days.

Some ideas I've been considering are:

  1. Hold a politics free bbq party this spring after the inauguration and the first few months are clear. invite everyone over, saying you'd love to have them, even if they would have been the type of person to scream obscenities at you today. Make them see you aren't the evil nazis or trash humans the dems and the left portrayed us all as, and realise that the world isn't full of hate that has been instilled in their hearts.
  2. Offer to help them through the "hard times" they see, and hopefully they will appreciate your support, despite hating you for your politics today.
  3. Do things for your community, even if you are in a lefty area. Unity will be a strength from here on out, and will help the cause.
  4. Time heals all wounds eventually, and this trauma of the left is something they either push through or lose their minds from. Do what you can to make sure it is the former and not the latter. Don't twist the knife in, no matter how tempting it is.
  5. Treat the sheeple with kindness by turning the other cheek. Judge not thy neighbour in this time, for the do not know what they are doing yet. Only when awakened can people be held responsible for what they do from then on
  6. Last, but definitely not least, be an inspiration to those around you, both friend and foe. Live your life as if God is looking upon you with a smile, for He is with us all.

Finally I want to end with a prayer:

Almighty God, thank you for giving us our hope through the great victory we have seen these past two days. Thank you for the plan to guide us out of the darkness. Thank you for everything you have given us, both the joyous rewards and the trials you set before us.

Please give us the strength to help all the lost lambs of your flock see the light as it truly is, your healing grace, rather than the fire of perdition they see before them. Those who have done ill to the innocent will not be spared, we know this, but help us to help those who have been blinded by the lies they were fed and did no real harm to anyone.

We, your servants and soldiers, seek to do your will, now and forever, and ask for guidance in helping those around us. Help us to be the Bigger men and women, and provide us with the strength and foresight to guide the lost flock back to your loving embrace. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN